55. Meet your Champions

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The day had finally come for them to chose their 74th annual hunger games victors. Well, not actually, but its what it felt like. At least to me. Everyone in the school was buzzing with excitement, but something didn't feel right. But after what Moody told me, nothing felt right anymore. My brain just, it just didn't connect like it usually does. My gut just wasn't telling me anything anymore. It was like a burp that would not come out.

I know thats the least classy way to describe it, but give me a break. I'm stressing, and I don't even know why I'm stressing.

"Sit down, please," Dumbledore told us as we all took our seats in the crowded hall. "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for: The champion selection." He dimmed the lights in the hall until it was just the bright blue flame from the goblet left. I watched as the flame turned from blue to red before a piece of paper was thrown into the air. "The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum."

The hall all cheered and clapped for the word renowned seeker as he walked over and shook our Headmaster's hand before he was sent away. The next paper was thrown out immediately as Dumdlebore went over and caught it.

"The champion for Beauxbatons..." Dumbledore read off. "Is Fleur Delacour."

Once again, the hall cheered out for the French girl as she went over and shook Dumdblodre's hand before she was sent away.

Then the real moment came as the Hogwarts name was thrown out of the goblet.

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore yelled out with excitement as I watched the Hufflepuff house yell louder than I have ever seen them. I clapped for the boy, but I was still pissed in my head. Why, oh why, would he do that to himself.

"Excellent!" Dumdbore turned back to look at us. "We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory... the Triwizard cup!" I looked over at where he was pointing as the shiny blue cup sat at the front of the hall. But everything stopped as I watched the flames turn red again, what the fuck was going on.

Another name came flying out as it floated down into Dumdbleodre's hands.

"Harry Potter," Dumdbore read off. "Harry Potter?"

I watched as the boy basically sunk down in the seat next to me. Fuck, not even one year, man.

"Go," Hermione said, pushing him as whispers broke out into the hall. People were saying he was a cheat for being underage as they clearly didn't take a look at his face. He was terrified, Harry didn't want this. I knew him, I knew he wouldn't do this.

Harry reluctantly moved out of his seat as he walked over to Dumbledore. The two exchanged some words before he was sent on his way with the other champions.

Oh, I felt sorry to be in his shoes right now. I would have blown up, would have caused a whole scene. This was outrageous, he wasn't even old enough.

"Right, students head back to your dorms," Dumbdlore told us. "We will work out-"

You're never going to believe it, but guess what happened again. The blue light turned red as a name shot out. Who the fuck was designing this shit?!

Dumbledore took the name in his hand before he looked up, it almost looked like he was looking at me. Funny, right?

"Hope Stylinson," Dumldbore finally spoke.

"Fuck no!" I yelled, standing up in my seat. "No! No! No, and did I say no!"

"Hope," Dumbledore said again.

"Now you look here," I marched right up to him as I took the paper out of his hands. I read over the name with an exaggerated scoff. "Not my name, thats not my name on there."

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