78. Giants

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"Wow," George said as I opened my bedroom door. "Your room is-"

"Small, yes I know," I cut him off as I pulled him inside and shut the door. I smirked as I ran my hands up his chest. "So, you were saying downstairs..."

George let out a small laughed before he cupped my checks. Kissing me softly as he rubbed his thumb over my cheek. He pulled away to rest his forehead agents mine. "I missed you. I know it was only a short amount of time... but it just felt like forever with the past two days."

"Is everything alright?" I asked putting my hand over his. 

"I want to tell you yes, but thats a lie," George sighed. "Dad he's alright, but it scared the piss out of all of us. And Harry is shutting everyone out right now, thinks it's his fault. But no one is blaming him, we know he didn't have power over what He should him. And more and more people keep disappearing and I want to help, but I'm told I can't till I leave school."

"Hey, you're doing the best you can," I told him. "Nobody has a road map to this war. We just got to learn from past mistakes. And with that, Dumbeldore put students in the original order. Sirius, Lupin... Harry's parents. And he doesn't want the same outcome that happened to them to happen to us. We can get through this, I know we can."

"Is that what your gut tells you?" George asked.

"It's what my brain is telling me," I smiled softly at him. "Sometimes you have to use that organ as well."

"Your's is a pretty smart one," George smirked as he pulled his hands off my face. He took another look around my room. "You know, one simple spell, and I could make this room a lot bigger."

"Leave my room alone," I told him. "I like it."

"Love, my head is about to touch your ceiling," George pushed himself to stand taller as the top of his head touched the ceiling, "See, to small."

"It's not made for ginger giants," I teased him as I walked over to shut my blinds. "The timer is about to go off in three, two..."

A bright array of colors shined through my currents, even when they were shut. 

"Geeze that's bright," George's eyes widened a bit. "How can you sleep with those light."

"Knowing that it makes my pregnant mum happy to beat our neighbor at some silly Christmas lights competition," I told him.

"Your mum's pregnant?" George asked me.

"Yeah just found out, twins even," I said.

"Twins do make a great bunch," George smiled as he took my hand and pulled my back into his chest. He brushed my hair behind my ear as he looked down at me with a fond look. "You know, one day I'm going to build you a house."

"Are you now?" I smiled at him at just the thought.

"Yeah, just me and you," George spoke in a soft voice. "After the war is over, I'll make it extra special. Simple, just how you would like it. But big enough for our kids to run around in."

"Already thinking about kids are you?" I asked.

"Yeah, we are going to have a couple," George said. "Because I think we learned from living in big families just how much chaos that can cause."

"I thought you loved chaos," I bit my lip as he looked down at me with those beautiful golden eyes of his.

"I love it," George smirked. "But I think we should limit it just a bit for our kids."

"I can't wait for it," I told him before my smile dropped a bit. "You're leaving school soon."

"But I'm not leaving you," George rubbed my hip bones as I put my hands on his shoulders. "I would never leave you."

My Nine Brothers~ One Direction & 5sos & Harry Potterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن