66. Hope

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I'm not lying, I plan on staying in my room till the end of summer. Only then because I would be forced to go back to school.

But I wasn't lying in my bed this time, wallowing in self-pity. I already did that step on the grief train. Anger was the next step, but I guess I let most of it out downstairs on my family. I felt kinda sad that I did it to them, but I wasn't in the mood to say sorry right now. Now was the time for the secret step. I knew I was supposed to go to acceptance next, but not now. Now is what I liked to call the planning process.

I sat on my floor with stacks of books spread around me. I looked like Hermione during exam season. I flipped through my charms book as I tried to find the spell, I knew it was in here.

"Hope," A knock came at my door, but I ignored it. "Hope, can I come in."

"Depends on if you know ancient ruins," I told them as I flipped the pages.

"Probably now," I looked up as I Michael opened the door. "But, I can try. Is it like pokemon?"

"Why would pokemon be anywhere close to my school studies?" I asked him.

Michael shrugged his shoulder as he put his hands in his pockets, "Don't know, both things people thought were fake."

"Well, I can assure you, this one is real," I looked back down at my books as I grabbed my old Defence book. "Why are you here?"

"Because we are worried about you," Micheal walked closer to me as he squatted down in front of me.

"Why did they send you then? We don't get along that well on a good day," I mumbled.

"I still care about you, even when you're a bitch," Michael sat down fully as he crossed his legs, picking up a book as he did so. "Plus, Harry would cry. Niall would assist you in running away. Ashton would try and make you laugh, then you would probably punch him. You get the idea, I'm the most rational one to talk to you. What is this book, anyway?"

I looked up at what was in his hands, "My first-year transfiguration textbook."

"Why are you looking at your old textbooks?" Michael asked as he flipped through it. "And why does everything look so confusing for a first-year book?"

"Because I'm trying to go over everything I have to make sure I know everything. And it's not confusing to our kind as it's easy to read that that there," I pointed to the symbols on literally the first page. "Means to move your wand up and to the side while you say the spell."

"You have to move your wand in certain ways?" Michael asked

"Yeah, kinda how this all works. Can't just point and scream," I rolled my eyes. "Now, if you're not going to help, can you leave."

"Nope," He popped the P, he put the book down on the other stacks. "You're stuck with me for a while. They got a lot of talking to do downstairs."

"What? More yelling about useless things," I scoffed at him.

"No, sadly, this is a big talk," Michael sighed. "Boy are thinking of going on a break, you know, doing solo stuff for a while."

"Why would they do something like that? They are at the hight of their careers," I looked back up at him as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, they are," Michael said. "But, doesn't mean its all unicorns and supermodels. Hope, you got to realize that you may be going through something hard. But that does not mean that others aren't going through a lot as well. You saw a friend of yours die, and that is a pain none of us will ever know. But you don't know the industry we are in, the things that get throw at us. Its a lot. But you can't push us away right now. We all got stuff going on, but we always get through things. Together."

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