126. The white room

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The smoke that covered my body started to go away as I held my hand out over my eyes. Instead of lying down on the cold hard floor, I found myself standing in an all-white room. Peering down at my body, I noticed I was wearing a white summer dress with thin straps. My feet were bare as I wiggled my toes. 

"Where am I?" I mumbled.

"Exactly where I didn't want you to be."


3rd person

"I-I," Fred stood in the great hall over the dead body of the girl he knew nothing about. "She just came out of nowhere... a-and saved my life."

"She's at peace now," George tried to comfort his twin. But there was something inside of him that wanted to break down. To fall to the floor and cry out in pain. But he could not understand why.

"Hope?" Hermione's eyes started to well up with tears as the trio entered the great hall. "HOPE!" Racing over to her friend she broke down in tears, holding onto the cold hand as she wrapped her own hands around tightly. "Y-You promised me. You promised me you wouldn't!"

Ron bit his lip as he tried to hold back the tears that clouded his vision, he felt like punching something as his fingers weaved their way into his hair. Pulling at his roots. He couldn't even look at Hope's body, knowing how much that would break him to see her. 

"I... I didn't know you were so close," Fred gulped as he looked at his brother. "She pushed me out of the way before I could even process what was going on. I didn't even know the wall was going to collapse, but somehow... she did."

"Because thats who she is," Ron brought a hand up to his face to wipe the tears away. "She'd risked her life for anyone she loved. And we should have seen this coming."

"But she doesn't know us," George furrowed his brows. 

"Yes she does," Hermione sniffled as she looked up at him with hard eyes. "And if you remembered, you would feel it too."

"Hermione she didn't want that," Ron reminded her.

"I know," Hermione cried out. "It was the stupidest thing I have ever agreed to."

Harry was no were to be seen. The second his eyes locked on Hope's corpse, he had to get out of there. Because in his mind, this was all his fault. It was his fault his friend- his sister, had died. And he needed to fix it. 



"D-dad," My lip quivered as I looked at the man I missed more than life itself. Dressed in all white with an angelic glow to him.

"Hi, princess," Dad smiled at me. I could not hold back any longer as I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms tightly around his torso. "Ooff, should have expected that."

"I missed you," I spoke into his chest as tears started to come out of my eyes. "Daddy I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," Dad pushed back a bit to be able to see my face. "And your brothers and mother. I missed you all. And I'm glad to see you, princess, I really am. But we need to get you back into that fight."

"What?" I looked at him in confusion as I took a step back. "But I'm dead."

"No, you're... in the in-between," Dad waved his hand around. "And right now is when you're supposed to be seeing your coven of actually dead super witches to help guide you before you come back. But they made an exception because they knew you would listen to me rather than them."

My Nine Brothers~ One Direction & 5sos & Harry PotterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora