128. Interview

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"Um, today we bring in a new world, a better one for both of our people..." I read off the notecards as I paced back and forth. I was stood backstage with a navy blue dress, black heels on my feet. My hair was neatly held back and my face showed just the right amount of makeup. 

It had been front and center news everywhere in the world when I woke up this morning. And I was not kidding you when I said bright and early. It was 6 am. Thats right people, I was woken up bright ass early in the morning to do this.

"Are you ready?" Kingsley approached me, causing my pacing to stop.

"No, I feel like I'm about to shit myself. And these-" I held up the note cards. "-Feel fake. They don't even sound like me!"

"You just need to read them off," Kingsley had been trying to calm me down all morning. Even took my coffee away because of how fidgety I was. "I promise you, it will be over in no time."

"I'm going to feel better when I get off that stage," I sighed. 

"Well, you might have to answer questions first," Kingsley dropped that bombshell on me.

"Oh great," My voice squeaked. I turned around as I tried to make my way to the exit.

"Hope!" Kingsley took hold of my arm. "You got this, I believe in you."

"I'm glad one of us does!" I looked at him like he was crazy to put so much faith in me.

"Um, we're going live in 30 seconds," A muggle boy informed us.

"What does that mean?" Kingsley furrowed his brows together.

"Mean in less than 30 seconds I'm going out there and fucking this all up!" I threw my free arm up in the air.

"No, you're not," Kingsley dragged me towards the stage. I tried to fight him off, but the man was strong. 

I practically fell out onto the stage. Stumbling as I gave a very fake smile to the massive room of reporters. Cameras were pointed at me, and the lights in this place made my body burn. Making my way up to the podium, I gulped the saliva down my already dry throat. My shaky hands making it hard to read the little words.

"Fuck this," I tossed the notecard behind me as I looked out onto the crowd of people. "My name is Hope Stylinson. Many of you may know me because of my nine very annoyingly famous brothers."

That joke didn't land well, they all looked up at me with blank expressions.

"Right, it's a sticks up our asses kinda event," I clicked my tongue on the roof of my mouth. "Well, I am here today as the official ambassador to the muggle and wizarding worlds. I know maybe of you maybe me scared to know that we walk amongst you. And, you know what, I was as well. When I was eleven my world turned upside down in many different directions. First was in the form of my brothers' career's taking off. With the new obstacle we faced with having to try and navigate a normal life with the world taking our pictures at every turn. Then, when I got my letter informing me I was a witch. Because that added to my stress of having to try and live this normal life. But I'm not normal. And magic or not, you watching at home and sitting in front of me are not as well. We all live in our own bubbles, just trying to protect ourselves. And thats what the wizarding world was. A giant bubble we put around us to try and protect ourselves from prosecution. To not be strung up for dead like our ancestors were in the past.

I know many of you fear the man who invaded your TV's the last time you could remember seeing me. But I am here to tell you today, that man is dead. He was a cruel and racist man, only wanting us to be kept in the bubble out of fear. But we, a group of brave individuals, risked our lives so that none of you would be harmed. So that our worlds could grow together. So that fear would never take us over again. And thats what we are doing here today. We are bringing together two worlds that lived side by side for so many years, putting trust back in one another. And I know there will still be people out there that do not want to welcome this change, and I understand. But you have nothing to fear for us, because we too just want to be normal. So I welcome you into this new world, a better world we all need."

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