68. Plants

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"So, we are rebelling agest the government?" I asked my friends. I learned quickly that us younglings were excluded from all adult-like talk. Bull shit, if you asked me because we are the ones getting attacked the most and seeing this first hand.

"Technically... yes," Hermione told me as she took a seat on my bed next to Harry. "The Ministry isn't saying... he, has returned. They say it was all a lie, and that you two and Dumbledore made it up."

"Bullshit," I scoffed. "I may be messed up in the head, but I'm not that messed up to create a story like that."

"At least you aren't getting called in front of the court to defend yourself," Harry signed as he laid back on the bed.

"They won't charge you though," Ron told him as he leaned forward in the chair he was sitting in. "I mean, they don't have much evidence on you."

"I can see if one of my brothers know a lawyer that can help," I walked closer to Harry as I leaned on the bedpost. He was staring up at the ceiling with his hands laced over his chest. "I can fight them for you."

Harry let out a small laugh, "No, I don't think any of that would help me right now."

I looked between Ron and Hermione, "So, you've been in this hunted house all summer. What have you learned so far?"

"Sirius family was really messed up," Ron shivered a bit. "You know there is a portrait of his mum on the second floor? I advise you don't remove the cloth covering her, unless you like horrendous things screamed at your face."

"Well, thats great to know," I patted his shoulder. "But I meant about The Order."

"Oh, nothing much then," Ron told me. "They don't let us know anything."

"Last night they did say something," Hermione bit her lip nervously as she looked down at Harry. "They were looking for something."

"What? I new Minister of Magic?" I asked.

"No," Hermione shook her head. "You-Know-Who is raising an army, and looking for... well, we don't know. They wouldn't tell us that part."

"Well, maybe if your cat didn't destroy the ear, we would know," Ron mumbled.

"Right so, we know nothing, they won't tell us anything, and the whole community thinks we are lying," I listed off. "Got it."

"When you put it like that, it seems a bit sad," Ron said.

"It is sad!" I threw my hands up in the air. "How do they expect us to sit around and not know anything? If I was here all summer, I would have gotten to the bottom of it."

"Probably why you weren't here," Hermione told me. "Because you would have caught onto the little things we missed."

"What could it be?" Harry asked himself more than us. It was like he was in his own little world. I couldn't blame him as I had the same thought. What could Voldemort be after so bad, and why hadn't he just taken it yet.

"Could be a bloody toothbrush for all we know," Harry sat up as I talked. "Or maybe he is finally planning on getting his nose back."

"You almost died for that smart ass comment," Harry reminded me.

"Yeah," I sighed a bit with a smirk on my face. "But it was just too good not to say it."

Hermione groaned as she stood up and walked over to me. She put her hands on my shoulders as she shook me a bit. "Please do not antagonize the darkest wizard of all time! You're going to get your self killed! This isn't like when you provoke Snape or Filch, he will kill you!"

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