116. The adventures of Two House Elves

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"I'm so bloody confused," Ron sat down at the table as Harry and Hermione sat down across from him. "Last time I can remember you was... my god, your father's funeral."

"Yeah," I breathed out as I opened the fridge door. "A lot has gone down since then."

"What are you looking for?" Hermione asked me.

"These," I pulled out four beer bottles as I kicked the door close behind me. 

"Is now really the time to drink?" Hermione asked me.

"Yes," I smiled at her as I opened up a bottle. I took a sip as the froth touched my lips. "Ah, that hits the spot."

"So, you going to say what happened?" Harry asked.

"My dad died, Dumbeldore died, I was outed by Snake eyes and the rest of the wizarding world, so I erased myself," I told them. "Simple."

"Thats not bloody simple," Ron scoffed.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked him. "That it was easy? Because it wasn't and it never will be."

"What about George? What about your family?" Ron asked. 

"I had to keep them safe," I took another sip.

"And going the most extreme route was how you do it?" Ron scoffed. 

"As I said, I had to do it," I placed the bottle down. "If I didn't, then the world would know about the wizarding world, and more innocent lives would be at risk. If I didn't, then my family would be in danger and we don't have the manpower to watch over them 24/7. If I didn't, cast the spell, this war would be less in our favor than it is now. So yes Ron, I went the most extreme route. Do I like it, no. But was it my last choice that I had to take, yes."

"I get it, okay," Ron sighed as he took a bottle from the pile. "I just don't like how much you had to sacrifice to get there. You just gave up your whole life Hope... thats the worst thing that can happen to you. Well, besides death."

"You gave all that up... for this war?" Harry asked in shock. "Y-You wouldn't be in this place if it wasn't for me."

"Yes I would," I told him. "Because something bigger than all of us, chose this path for us. It's not your fault I'm here. It's not your fault any of us are here. It's apart of our destiny."

"Destiny sucks," Ron tilted his head back.

"We are going to defeat Vo-"

"Don't!" I cut Hermione off as she looked at me in shock. "Don't say his name, don't even say anything remotely similar to his name."

"We aren't afraid to say it," Harry said.

"Trust me, I'm not either," I rolled my eyes. "I'm pretty sure thats how they tracked us back at the cafe. They have placed his name under a Taboo."

"Of course," Hermione said. "They must have put the Taboo on to try and locate members of The Order. You're brilliant."

"I still got it," I shrugged as I took another sip of my beer. 

"Now if we could only figure out the locket," Harry sighed. 

"What locket?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"The one Dumbeldore and I found... before he was killed," Harry told me. "We thought it would be a Horcrux. But it was a fake, and all that was left in it was a note."

"Wait thats how the old geezer is alive?" If I would have had my drink in my mouth. It would have been spit out. "How many does he got?"

"Seven," Ron told me.

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