73. Rules were meant to be broken

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Umbridge did not take anything seriously.

I hope you did not believe any of that, because she went on full-blown dictator mode. Fudge had named her High Inquisitor. Another new word I have learned that means: make up as many rules as you want to infringe on the student's individuality and rights.

Our uniforms were always to be in order, and if not, you would get a chokehold from your tie. Boys and girls had to stay 3 meters apart. And heaven forbid they were caught snogging or holding hands. I just want to see her face when she tried to put those in place for the Queer students here.

George and I didn't try to risk it, as we knew what her favorite form of punishment was. We just went back to our basics of sneaking around. Or annoying our fellow Gyfindors in the common room. A fun date night idea for all you kids running around school trying to not get caught, sneak into the Astronomy tower. Now its got to be when there is no class. Now what you will need is your boyfriend's access to the kitchen- he won't tell me how though- you know, for food. A secret map of the school, that might be hard. And an invisibility cloak, scratch the last one, this is harder to get.

George was peeved though, as any time they tried to show off even their most harmless of prank products, Umbridge would show up and ruin everyone's fun. Even tried to go as far as shutting down quidditch. Now, thats something you just don't mess with. Like Niall and his golf. Or Harry and his Chelsea boots. Or Michael's gaming station. Or, well, you get the point. It didn't last long as Dumbeldore found a way around that one. Thank god because all the boys, and Ginny, were about to fucking lose their minds.

Dumbledore didn't seem to be around a lot lately. But I could not blame him as the news was reporting many people mysteriously disappearing. If only they just admitted that Voldemort was back, they would realize why they are missing.

And then came the reviews. Not on the students, but the teachers. You know the people that have been working here for years. And a woman, who has no education background what so ever, is trying to judge them. Fuking blows my mind thats what it is. She basically rubbed in it Snape's face that she got the job he wanted for so long. But also, that job is kinda cursed if she had not noticed so she can have it. When we were in Charms, she measured Flitwick. Measured him. How the fuck does that equivalate to teaching?

And then came the best one, McGonagall. This is why she is my favorite teacher. McGonagall shut her down before she could even get a chance to say anything. And plus this woman has saved me with her 'Detentions.' I basically come to her room, then she tells me to go watch out for the younger students in the Gryffindor common room, and then I come back two hours later to tell her what a good job I have done. Best women out there, I tell you.

But sadly, the reviews were worse than we had imagined. Maybe thats why I was standing out in the dark gloomy day with the rest of Hogwarts. We stood around the pillars as we watched Filtch bring Trelawney possessions to the middle of the courtyard. Umbridge came walking towards her like she with that toad smile of her's.

"Six... 16 years I've... I've lived and taught here," Trewlawney struggled out. It was so heartbreaking to hear her normally fun-filled voiced, replaced with so much pain. "Hogwarts is my home. You... you can't do this."

"Actually, I can," Umbridge heald up that stupid letter of hers that allowed her to have power.

McGonagall pushed through us as she went to comfort her friend. Taking the crying professor into her arms.

"Something you'd like to say, dear?" Umbridge taunted.

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say," McGonagall scoffed at her.

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