35| oktobersesh

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chilling in the kitchen, Demi and i reattempted to make up a handshake. walking in on us, Nas laughed.

"you two have been doing that for ages," he laughed as Demi and i threw our hands down to our sides in frustration.

"it's not funny. we can't think of how to finish it off," i told him as i jumped up on the counter, my mind trying to work out an ending performance for the handshake.

"you both done cheerleading, try like a cartwheel?" Nas suggested making me pull a face.

"a handshake, Nas. oh! maybe we could just make up a dance routine," i thought aloud as Demi gasped.

"i love that idea, let's do it!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"i've got a text!" Shaughna shouted from the sun loungers, catching everyone's attention, "islanders, it's time to sort out weiners from losers in today's couples challenge oktobersesh! #pitcherperfect #sillysausages."


standing at the challenge area in a little dress, identical to the other girls, i held onto cups that Callum would have to fill up with liquid from a distance.

the sound of a horn went off signalling the boys to start tossing the water from their jugs to their girls jugs. closing my eyes, i let out a squeal at the cold liquid coming in contact with my face.

i put up a tough wall as i let Callum continue what he was doing, trying to not react at how wet i was becoming the more he threw the liquid.

"are we getting it in?" i asked him, my eyes still tightly closed.

"just stay still, we're doing good," he told me as i nodded along.

soon another horn noise sounded making everyone come to a stop, Callum and i passed this round but unfortunately Jess and Luke M and Mike and Sophie didn't.

Callum: that was good teamwork, that was.
Angel: my eyes are still stinging.

for the next round it was us girls that would be doing the throwing. our job was to throw pretzels at the boys and hopefully get them to land on the pole they had strapped around their waist.

with the horn sounding, i picked my first pretzel and tried my best at aiming for the pole. missing by a mile i tried again until i gave up and started throwing the pretzels at Callum, him flinching and trying to run off.

Angel: i gave up trying to get them on the pole so i ended up just chucking them at you.
Callum: you hit me right in the face at one point.

sadly for us, we lost this round along with Shaughna and Ryan. now it was time to watch Siannise and Luke T, Paige and Finley, Rebecca and Wallace and Demi and Nas get sausages from one end to the other using only their mouths and while rolling.

Paige and Finn crossed the line first meaning that they won this challenge earning lots of cheers from everyone that lost.


after the challenge everyone began to get ready for tonight, after doing Jess and Siannise's makeup, i finally started on my own.

outfit ;

outfit ;

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