11| a little push

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as we all got ready for bed, Leanne filled us in on her and Mike. saying that he had basically chosen her over Jess, which Leanne was very happy about.

Siannise told us about her chat with Nas, saying that she still wasn't feeling it. Paige then spoke about her and Ollie, saying that he apologised for lying and that they would stay open to get to know other people.

Shaughna then told us about her growing bond with Ryan, somehow me not minding as much as i thought i would.

"what about you, Gel?" Shaughna asked me as i rubbed at my face, getting the makeup off with a wipe.

"yeah, anyone catching your eye?" Leanne asked and gave me a look.

"sort of..." i came out to say, "just want to see how things go with everything first."

"yeah, that's the best option," Paige said, nodding her head as she brushed though her hair.

"Mike sleeping in the dog house then?" i asked as i checked in the mirror to make sure i hadn't missed anything.

"yeah," Leanne answered.

"first boy to be in the dog house, definitely taking a picture of that," i laughed as i put the wipe in the bin and took hold of my phone.

"are you gonna go in with him?" Sophie asked Leanne as she shrugged her shoulders with a smile on her face.

"i'll be two minutes, just have to take a picture of this," i informed the girls making them laugh, me then heading down the stairs.

i swiped to the camera app, getting ready to snap some photos of Mike in the dog house. "big smiles," i said making Mike turn to me before smiling and putting his thumbs up at the sight of me holding the phone up.

"there we go," i said after snapping a few pictures, Mike and i laughing. "night, Mike," i said, earning a wave before i entered the room.


as we all got comfortable in bed, Connor and Sophie could be heard kissing making Callum sit up from his bed.

"i can hear you tiger," he said with a huge grin on his face, i couldn't help but smile.

the lights turned off, me turning over. Ryan and i didn't cuddle like we have done the previous days, but it didn't bother me.


i opened my eyes and sat up slightly as the lights blinded everyone, "morning," i muttered to no one in particular.

"morning," Ryan, Sophie and Connor said back, seeming to be the only ones who heard me.

Ryan got out of bed, walking alongside Shaughna as they left the room. i noticed Callum make his way over to my bed, lying down at the bottom.

"how'd you sleep?" he asked as i yawned.

"good. how'd you sleep?" i asked, noticing Jess giving us a weird look.

"good, yeah. want a cuppa?" he asked, getting up from the bed slowly as i decided yes or no in my head.

"yes please," i said, smiling as i got up.

"alright," Callum said, returning the smile as he left the room.

"third girl on the go, what a player," Sophie said jokingly as we began to walk towards the door that would lead us to the living room area.

"just mates," i yawned out again as Sophie gave me a look.

"say that in a day or two," she winked as we pushed open the door before heading up the stairs to our dressing room.

outfit ;

"how'd everyone sleep?" Shaughna asked Sophie, Leanne and i as she joined us in the dressing room

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"how'd everyone sleep?" Shaughna asked Sophie, Leanne and i as she joined us in the dressing room.

"good. got some cuddles here and there," Sophie said with a smile on her face. "he's just so cute," she said making me aw.

"you guys are adorable," i said, referring to her and Connor.

"how was the dog house?" Sophie asked Leanne as she covered her face.

"good. might have been a kiss," she said making us all smile.

"did ye?" Shaughna asked making Leanne blush.

"do you like him?" i asked, already knowing the answer. she nodded as expected making us all aw.

"everyone has smiles on their faces, it's so cute," i said as i looked at the three. "how's it going with you and Ryan?" i asked Shaughna as Sophie and Leanne began talking.

"good. i think we are getting close. i do like him, yeah," Shaughna nodded.

"look at you, smiling from ear to ear," i teased making her smile more.

"stop! you're embarrassing me," she said making me laugh. the room fell into a comfortable silence before Callum made an entrance, placing the requested cup of tea down in front of me.

"thank you," i smiled at him.

"no bother," he said, a smile on his face as he left.

"oh, my god. that was so cute," Sophie said with Leanne agreeing.

"it's just a cup of tea," i said simply, picking up the mug to take a sip. i looked at Shaughna through the mirror, wanting to know if this was somewhat wrong and Callum was still hers despite her and Ryan getting on so well.

"we'll talk later," she said, passing me a small smile as she could probably tell i seemed a bit off.

"yeah, i'd like that," i smiled just as she left the dressing room to put on her bikini.

Shaughna's pov

i saw Callum in the kitchen alone, deciding to take this as a chance to see how he was, "hiya."

"alright?" he said, making quick eye contact before looking back down to what he was doing.

"yeah, think i'm more settled today," i said as i pulled my sunglasses down to my eyes. "how's you and Eve?"

"alright," he responded, looking over my shoulder at the sound of an angelic laugh, "haven't spoke much," he added.

"why's that?" i asked curiously, wanting to know if he was hiding his feelings as much as Angel was.

"dunno. just not feeling it the way i am with..." he cut himself off before saying anything else, my head falling to the side a little.

"with...?" i questioned. "because i know it's not me," i said clearly making him look up at me. "i'm not mad, if that's what your thinking. all i'm gonna say is go for it, take that chance before it's too late," i said genuinely.

i know that i prefer Ryan more than Callum, i just have to tell Ryan that. but i also know Angel is very supportive over the fact i'm going after the boy she's coupled up with. so i'll be supportive of her and the boy i did like.

it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the two obviously have something going on, something good. they just need a push towards one another to realise it.

"i'll talk to you later," i said before walking off to go and go find Ryan.

thank you for reading!! Xx

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