9| hyping me up

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i sat up from my sun lounger at the sound of Paige and Ollie arguing, "oh shit," i said as Callum came to sit on the sun lounger beside mine which was also beside Connor and Mike.

"someone's in the dog house tonight," he said as i laughed along with Connor and Mike.

"i think he's missing the point on what she's saying," i commented as Leanne came over to us after Siannise was called over by Paige.

"she must like him a little bit if she's loosing it," Connor said.

"it's the way he goes about things, like he's just not as truthful to her as she'd like," i said as Leanne agreed.

"definitely," she said, sitting down and sharing a lounger with Mike.

"anyways," Mike said, "what's the plan, Angel. who're you going for now?" he asked me as everyone looked at me confused.

"just see what happens. i'm not gonna force anything with Ryan that's not there, like if he prefers someone else then so be it," i said as i glanced at Callum who was staring at me.

"what's going on? aren't you and Ryan like good?" Connor asked me and Mike cut in before i could say anything.

"his heads turned," he said.

"girl, we need to catch up," Leanne said causing me to laugh as she obviously doesn't know about Shaughna and Ryan.

"how're you feeling about it?" Callum asked as i shrugged.

"fine. like i've been saying, it's the earliest of days and anything can happen. it'd be stupid to rule anything out," i said as he nodded along. i didn't fail to notice the look him and Connor shared, i decided to not comment on it and change the subject.

"how's the new couples?" i asked Mike and Callum.

"good," Callum said as Mike stayed quiet, glancing at Leanne who didn't seem to be paying attention to us as she focused on the argument.

"good," i said as i stood up from my lounger, picking up my bottle as i did so, "need a refill," i announced before walking off to the kitchen.

"mind filling mines up?" Callum asked as i turned away from the sink to see him holding out his bottle.

"yeah, course," i said, taking his bottle before putting it under the tap.

"are you alright?" he asked, reminding me of how he also asked that yesterday.

"why'd you keep asking that? is there something i shouldn't be alright with?" i joked making him laugh.

"no, no. just wanted to check in on you," he clarified as i secured the lids onto our bottle before handing him his.

"well, thank you," i said with a smile as i took a sip of water, "have you spoken to Shaughna yet?"

"no. but i am planning on it," he said as he also took a sip of water.

"good. think you guys could be doing with a chat," i said, knowing that he isn't fully aware about the Ryan and Shaughna thing.

i would definitely tell him, after all he is my friend and deserves to know. but at the same time it's not my place to do so.

"yeah, definitely. so when did you and Ryan decide to be more open with other people?" he asked as i noticed Ryan and Shaughna laughing together on the beanbags.

"last night. the feelings mutual, you know? like yeah we'll carry on as normal but if we want to get to know anyone else, we can," i informed him as he only nodded.

"so has anyone caught your eye then?" he asked as he stared into my eyes, my heart racing at the simple gesture making my face heat up.

"there might be someone," i said secretively as Callum just shook his head as he let out a small laugh.

"keeping your cards close to your chest now? i see how it is," he said as i shrugged with a smile on my face.

maybe there is still a chance, i thought to myself as i watched Callum stare off into the garden.

"how's you and Eve then?" i asked, his attention turning back to me.

"good. well, fine. the date was well and i am open to get to know her, as well as Shauhna. but..." he said before trailing off at the end.

"but?" i questioned as i raised a brow.

"nothing. maybe i'll keep my cards close to my chest too," he teased as he slowly backed away.

"you do that, pretty boy," i said making him laugh before finally turning and walking away, an obvious smile left on my face.


it was time to get ready for tonight and i was currently standing between Leanne's legs as i applied her makeup.

"did you see Callum's face after you said about you an Ryan?" Leanne said quietly so the other girls couldn't hear.


"he's slowly sliding in, one hundred percent. he's been wanting to shoot his shot since day one, according to Mike," she said as i looked at her confused.


"yeah, and now that you and Ryan are open to other people, he's taking up on the opportunity," as she said this i looked over at Shaughna as she sat in front of the mirror putting on her makeup.

"i say definitely switch men, her and Ryan will without a doubt get together. so you may as well get with Callum, you guys would look so cute together," Leanne continued as i looked at her, getting back to the makeup.

"i don't know," i said truthfully, knowing that Callum was already basically in a triangle with Shaughna and Eve.

"Angel, come on. the way yous two talk isn't the way 'just friends' talk. i say, you take a chance."

"we'll see," i said simply, Leanne smiling in return at her success at hyping me up.

should i maybe catch up with the episodes first and then post all at once?
or should i just keep on doing what i'm doing?

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