21| Rebecca

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"he didn't look happy- neither of them did. they both want you guys," i said to Shaughna and Sophie.

"he literally called her hot, he weren't talking about the weather- and definitely not me," Shaughna scoffed as we couldn't seem to reassure her.

we all headed upstairs and into the dressing room to freshen up, "should i smash some toasties?" Shaughna asked as i hugged into her.

"yeah, let's do it," i said, a small smile making it's way to her lips, "you'll be fine, trust me," i said quietly making her nod against my head.


Paige, Leanne, Sophie and i all headed over to the outside lounge area to have a chat about how Sophie was feeling.

"what the hell has gone on tonight like?" Paige said as we all sat down.

"yeah, i know. i can't believe a new girl has come in," Sophie then said.

"at a time literally no one expected," i said as i adjusted my bunny ears.

"how do you feel?" Leanne asked Sophie as she fixed her hair.

"not gonna lie i'm feeling a bit like..."

"a little bit stressed?" Leanne asked as Sophie nodded.

"yeah, if anything i do like original Connor more," Sophie admitted.

"he changed for you. before he was acting like a mad man and now he's just so calm," Leanne said making us laugh.

"his head won't turn, he's so set on you. yes, it's early days but he does like you, Soph," i said as she smiled.

"aw mate, i'm on edge bro," Sophie said making us laugh.


i ended up standing in the kitchen with the girls, eating the toasties as promised, Shaughna telling us how she's having doubts of Ryan's head turning.

"Shaughna!" i exclaimed making her laugh, "he likes you. his head ain't turning," i said as i continued to munch on my toasty.

Shaughna then decided to grab Ryan for a chat, the girls and i all being encouraging. i took this as my chance to grab Connagh for a chat.

"Connagh, can i grab you for a sec?" i asked him as i approached the day beds where him, Finley, Mike and Callum sat.

"yeah, sure," he said before jumping up from the bed, "terrance?" he suggested making me nod before walking down the stairs with him.

"so, i decided to grab you for a chat because...i feel like i am swaying more to Callum..." i said, getting straight to the point. "i don't know where his heads at, but i'm just going for what i feel. you are a lovely guy, but my connection is stronger with Callum," i said as he puffed out his cheeks.

"that's fine, of course i'm not gonna stand in the way of that. thank you for letting me know as well, i really respect that," he said making me smile.

"yeah, just need to talk to Callum now," i said making him smile.

"it'll go fine. he does like you- from what i've heard," he said making me laugh.

"exposing the wee guy!" i said making him laugh, falling onto me slightly, "but we're good, yeah?"

"yeah course," he said as we stood up, "you'll be like my best friend now, one that i'm attracted too," he said jokingly making me laugh and hit his arm.

"cheeky!" i exclaimed before laughing, we ended up hugging before heading up the stairs to join everyone else.

i am glad that i've realised how i feel, i just have to tell Callum now. i'm nervous, i don't get nervous.

Connor came back after his date, him and the boys going inside and onto the couch. i laughed as Paige, Jess and Shaughna watched them, making sure not to be seen by the boys.

i poured myself a drink with a smile on my face as Siannise stood beside me, "what was that chat with Connagh with a g about?"

"i told him that i prefer Callum," i said quietly as she squealed, "i just have to tell Callum," i said making her laugh.

"this is so good," she said quietly, a wide grin on my face as i picked up my plastic cup, drinking the juice with a smile on my face.

the three girls that were watching and listening to the boys chat had been caught, all running away before further embarrassment.

i wrapped my arms around Shaughna as Connor came into the kitchen, us knowing that Ryan was now going on his date.


we all broke off after a few minutes, Callum and i standing around the bar with Connor and Mike, "so how was the date?" i asked, Callum's arms snaking around my waist.

"it was good. she's a part time model, pretty, very confident-" he listed before i cut him off.

"calm down, babes," i joked, putting my hand up to stop him.

"do you think Ryan will like her?" Mike asked as Connor shook his head.

"it would take a lot for his head to turn, i think. Ryan seems set on Shaughna," Connor said making me smile.

"i wish he could give her a bit of reassurance. Shaun's like me, we need reassurance. i think we all do," i said, hinting out to Connor about giving Sophie reassurance.

"do you think i should give Sophie reassurance?" Connor asked making me nod.

"i definitely think you should talk to her about how it went and how're your feeling," i said with a cheeky smile, Callum looking down at me.

"yeah, i will," Connor said with the nod of the head as Callum started to slightly pull me away, walking towards the day beds.

"what do you know that we don't?" Callum asked me as we sat down opposite one another on the day beds.

"you can't say anything," i said making Callum throw up his hands.

"i promise i won't," he said making me nod.

"Sophie prefers original Connor," i said with a smile as Callum then smiled.

"really?" Callum asked.

"yeah. that's why i was tryna push him to chat with her," i said as i looked over at Connor.

"can i just say, you look incredible. please keep this," Callum said, gesturing to my bunny outfit making me laugh.

"do you like?" i asked making him nod quickly as i laughed, his hands falling at either sides of my thighs as he shuffled closer.

"the thing you were talking about with Connor, about reassurance, just know that i don't want to get to know anyone else. you're pretty much my main focus right now," he said making me bite back a smile.

"actually, i needed to talk to you about the Connagh with a g situation-" i started.

"hi!" we heard a new voice say, the two of us looking over to see the new girl greeting people in the kitchen.

"what about it?" he asked as i stood up.

"i'll tell you later," i said as we then both walked over to the kitchen.

"hiya, i'm Angel," i greeted as she took me in for a hug. after more greetings, we all headed over to have a girls chat.

we learned that she done modelling part time while also caring for people. she told us the dates went well and that her type was tall, dark and handsome.

she's such a lovely girl. i have told Connagh with a g that i prefer Callum, but Callum doesn't know that yet so he might run off with her for all i know!

i hopped down the stairs once i was ready for bed, opening the door and heading inside. jumping on top of Callum making him laugh as i cuddled into him.

after chatting with some of the islanders, the lights turned off. "night," i said as Callum pulled the covers over us.

"night," he said, placing a kiss on my temple as i drifted off into a deep sleep.

sorry for the late update, i've been busy studying xx

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