26| lukesharp

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after our conversation, Callum and i walked back into the garden, our hands intertwined. we walked over to the beanbags, Sophie, Connor, Ryan and Shaughna smiling to see we've talked the situation out.

Callum sat down first, pulling my hand and leading me to sit on his lap, "we're just talking about the newbies," Ryan filled us in as i nodded my head.

"their lovely, so sweet and very good looking," i said as Shaughna nodded her head, laughing at Callum's face.

"watch it," he said jokingly as we laughed.

"i'm joking. although they are nice boys," i said as everyone nodded.

"they're both very different. the Justin Bieber lookalike, obviously he's got tattoos, he's got unreal eyes, facial hair, good trainer game," Sophie listed as Connor didn't look too impressed but it was obvious she was joking. "Luke T. he's confident, nice dress sense," she said as Callum and i laughed.

"i haven't heard you say one positive thing about me yet," Callum said as he turned to me.

"you're decent," i joked as he laughed.

"we're on the same vibe with this aren't we?" Sophie said to Shaughna as she winked, Shaughna playing along.

"for sure," she said as Ryan jokingly rolled his eyes.

suddenly Connor stood up from sharing a beanbag with Sophie before walking off, "what is he doing?" Sophie laughed out.

"he's stressed," i said.

"i'm winding him up," Sophie said as Callum spoke up.

"we're all a bit stressed but Connors a worrier," he said as Sophie nodded her head.

"he just overthinking everything i think," Ryan added.

"he needs to chill," Sophie said.


after a while of talking to Connagh, Paige and Finn, Paige and i walked into the living room to see Shaughna and Ryan lying on the couch together. Connor ranting about Sophie.

"Angel, back me up here, wasn't Sophie having a joke?" Shaughna asked me.

"yeah, obviously she was," i said obviously as Connor rolled his eyes.

"no she wasn't," he said as he paced around the room, Paige taking a seat on the couch as i retreated from the living room and back into the garden, not wanting to get involved.

"he's gonna kick off," i said to Nas and Finn in the kitchen.

"why?" Finn asked.

"Sophie was winding him up again and he's pissed," i informed the two as Finley went to listen in on the rant.

"what do you think of the new boys?" Nas asked me once it was just us, me leaning on the counter.

"they're actually so lovely," i said as i wrapped my jacket around me for warmth.

"looks wise?" he asked.

"very good looking, yeah," i said with a head nod.

"i'm only asking cause i just want to look out for my boy Cal but are you interested in them?" Nas said making me laugh.

"as any good friend would do but no. yeah, they're nice but it would take a lot for my head to turn i think. despite it still being early days between me and Callum, there is a very strong connection there," i said as Nas smiled.

"that's good to hear," he said as i then smiled, his smile being contagious.


Jess and Siannise soon came back from their dates, us girls heading straight over to the day beds for a chat.

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