1| entering the villa

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never in my life, have i been this nervous

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never in my life, have i been this nervous.

don't get me wrong, i am excited but having no idea whats going to happen as soon as i'd step out of this jeep made my legs feel like jelly.

"let's do this," i said to myself as my jeep came to a stop, allowing me to step out, "thank you," i said to the driver before walking into the villa.

this place is huge and absolutely amazing, i walked up the stairs and into the bedroom, my mouth opening at the sight of it all.

"this is so exciting!" i exclaimed as i walked out and into the garden, my eyes falling onto four girls around a table i assume is the bar.

"oh, my god! hey," a blonde girl said happily making the other three look over in my direction.

"you're absolutely stunning," a girl with dark hair said as i approached them.

as i walked down the small steps to greet them, my legs wobbled making the four laugh, "Bambi on ice over here," i laughed out as i hugged the blonde girl.

"i'm Paige," she said, her Scottish accent very clear.

"loving the accent and you're gorgeous," i said making her smile as i turned to the girl with black hair.

"hiya, i'm Leanne," she smiled, bringing me in for a hug.

"you look incredible," i complimented as we pulled away, a girl with dark hair and pale skin taking Leanne's place in front of me.

"i'm Siannise," she said as she hugged me tightly.

"hiya, you guys are like...woah. i seriously can't," i said honestly causing them all to laugh.

"i'm Shaughna," another blonde said as i nodded. i followed them over to the bar, feeling like i was in need of a glass of champagne.

"here you go," Paige said as she passed me a glass, me thanking and accepting it. "sorry, i don't think i caught your name," she said as i sipped the beverage, nodding my head quickly.

"i'm Angel," i announced to them all.

"really? that's so pretty!" Siannise said as i smiled.

"are you really an Angel though?" Shaughna asked jokingly as i took another sip from the glass.

"i mean, depends who you ask," i played along, earning laughs again. "how's everyone feeling then?"

"decent," Leanne answered for everyone making us all nod.

"does anyone have a type?"

"tall, dark and handsome," Paige and Siannise said making me laugh a little.

"do you have a type, Angel?" Shaughna asked as i nodded my head, the four chuckling at my uncertainty.

"i mean, all of the guys i have dated in the past have been tall, have had tattoos, nice eyes and nice teeth. personality wise, they all end up to be dickheads," i said making them laugh again.

the new atmosphere and experience was definitely causing a few of us to laugh at pretty much everything, was it was the bubbling nerves or me just being hilarious? who knows.

"she's stunning," Leanne said making me turn around and see a pretty girl walking towards us.

"what's the bet she's like a model? definitely looks it," i said as i walked closer to her, Paige laughing from beside me.

"hiya, i'm Sophie," the girl greeted, moving her hair over one shoulder before bringing me in for a hug, "you look amazing," she complimented making me smile.

"thank you, gorgeous. i'm Angel," i said as we pulled away from the hug.

"pretty name," she said, seeming to be amazed at the name before turning to Leanne.

we all spoke for a while longer, getting to know everyone's jobs, past relationships and all that when a blonde woman came through the doors, "hi, girls!" she waved as all of our heads snapped towards her.

"oh, my god!" Sophie said excitedly, everyone saying 'hi' as she strutted towards us.

"how're you all doing?" she asked, "good? good."

we all nodded as we waited for what she was going to say, "this is amazing!" she said as we all agreed. after asking for a chat, we all followed her down the stairs and to the firepit.

"Siannise, this is a little different from Bristol," Laura pointed out making the bubbly girl giggle.

"oh yeah, one hundred percent!" she said happily, "it's completely different, it's amazing." she added.

after asking some of the other girls questions, Laura finally turned to me, "Angel, such a unique name, by the way. have you ever been in love before?"

"thank you and no. for one, it absolutely terrifies me and two, maybe because i just haven't found the right person to love yet," i said making the girls nod along in understanding.

"i mean that's a good point!" Laura laughed. "right, i'm having fun getting to know yous, but i kinda feel yous might want to meet the boys," Laura said making me and Sophie share an excited glance.

no one said anything, except from look at one another and let out small squeals, "right, let's go."

this is it. time to meet the boys.

should i bring in a new boy for Angel to couple up with in the beginning?
and then continue the book with Callum afterwards?
or should i just replace one of the girls?
{also lowercase intended}

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