7| their dates

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tension and silence filled the villa as Jess and Eve looked out at all of us. after what felt like the longest time, Jess finally spoke up.

"so obviously it is quite a difficult position to be in. you guys are all coupled up, it's not nice to come in and break one of you couples up. but we've got to remember that we're in here for ourselves and you've kind of got to be selfish in this situation and go with who you want to go with," she said, and i couldn't help but look at Leanne and Mike as Jess was basically looking at them the whole time.

"since i came here this guy did show some interest, payed me compliments which i like and i would be interested to see were it would go," Jess continued, taking a break so she could look at everyone.

"so the boy i would like to coupe up with is..." silence again came over us, impatiently waiting for Jess to just spit out who she was going to steal, "Mike."

i let out a small sigh, glad that Ryan wasn't chosen but also knowing that i shouldn't speak so soon. we all watched at Mike got up and joined Jess. everyone now waiting for Eve to get her speech over and done with.

"the boy i've chosen, i'm excited to get to know a little bit more. i really like his vibe and i really like the conversations i've had with him," Eve said, clasping her hands in front of her.

"so the boy i'd like to couple up with is..." again a long pause was added before the name finally fell from her lips, "Callum."

as i watched Callum stand up to join Eve, i couldn't help but feel a little jealous. maybe if i had shoot my shot when i had the chance, i could've been standing with him.

"yay," Ryan said very quietly into my ear, "we're still coupled up," he added as i looked up at him.

"yay," i replied, a small smile on my face.

i have such an amazing guy right beside me, so why am i feeling so drawn to another? and Shaughna's my friend, i wouldn't and couldn't do that to her. that's the reason i didn't step forward in the first place.

but then again, it is only day two and anything can happen. after sitting in silence for a couple of minutes, the four were told they would be going on a date.

they all left as i turned to Leanne, "you okay?" i asked making her nod her head in response. i then turned to Shaughna, "are you?"

"is what it is," she shrugged before everyone finally got up from their places at the firepit and split off.

as Sophie, Paige and i walked away from the firepit, i caught onto Ryan and Shaughna going for a chat, "is it just me or would they look really cute together?" i couldn't help but say, Sophie and Paige looking over at them.

"i kinda see it," Sophie said quietly, "you might have a little competition," she joked as i shrugged.

"oh well," i said.

"would you not mind?" Paige asked me.

"not really. it's only been two days so we're both open to get to know other people, although we are happy," i said, "but no, i would't mind," i added.


as i sat with the girls at the outside lounge beside the kitchen, Ryan approached us, "Angel, wanna go for a chat?

"yeah, course," i said as i stood up, walking away and leaving the girls.

"i know what this is about," Shaughna said to them as i walked away, me choosing to ignore it.

"what's up?" i asked as we planted ourselves down on the day beds.

"right so..." he stated off, a nervous giggle escaping my lips.

"hit me with it. tell me you don't like me," i said in a jokey voice making him laugh.

"okay. obviously we have lots of laughs, get on really well and that but it's only the second day in and i think it would be stupid to rule anything out..."

"yeah, of course," i agreed.

"so basically i just wanted to pull you for this chat and tell you, rather than going behind your back if you get me," he said as i nodded understandingly.

"yeah, of course," i said again. "well thank you, i really appreciate that," i said with a smile as we both started to stand up slowly.

"cool," he said with a smile as we turned away from one another.

obviously Ryan is great, but he's right about the 'ruling anything out.' it's still like really early days, like the earliest.

as we both walked down from the day beds, we saw the twins, Mike and Callum entering. "hi, how was it?" i asked one of the twins as i brought her in for a hug. we pulled away as she nodded her head.

"you alright?" Callum asked me as him and Connor looked at me.

"yeah?" i said questionably, before the two slowly distanced themselves from us girls.

"what was that about?" Sophie asked as she stared at me confused.

"yeah, i don't know," i said before we all headed inside to hear about the dates.

sorry for not updating on Friday and Saturday, i decided to use the time to catch up on schoolwork and study.
hope you understand ❤️
thanks for reading, hope everyone is enjoying this so far

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