48| shock dumping

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After last nights shenanigans, I was happy to wake up in the arms of Callum, his head resting on top of my own as he slept peacefully.

I didn't move, not only was I comfortable but I didn't want to wake Callum up by moving around or getting out of bed. I slowly looked around, able to see the other islanders sleeping.

"Angel?" Paige whispered from the bed beside me, sitting up before waving my way.

"Morning." I whispered back, throwing her a small wave. I felt Callum's breath hit the back of my neck, pulling my back closer to his chest as he spooned me.

"Someone's comfy." Paige commented, a smile on her face as she stared over at Callum and I.

"I'm scared to move." I admitted, Paige chuckling quietly. "How does it feel having a boyfriend?" I wriggled my brows, making sure to keep my voice at a low.

"Good. I'm so happy, Gel. Like honestly." She gushed, the smile on her face not faltering once.

"I'm happy for you. Honestly I love you two together." I admitted with a smile. "Faige all the way."

After chatting with Paige for awhile, the other islanders started to wake up one by one meaning it was time to get ready for today.

"This cuppa's alright y'know

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"This cuppa's alright y'know." I said as I sipped on the tea Luke M had brought me.

"Just alright? That took me ages to make." He stated as he sat beside me on the day bed, the two of us hiding from the sun.

"'Ages' is a bit of an exaggeration, Lukey." I smirked, taking another sip of the warm beverage before a topic of conversation popped into my head. "So, you and Demi. Did I hear there was a little smooch?" I teased, elbowing into his side as he laughed shyly.

"There might've been, yes. We're just gonna get to know one another and see how it goes." Luke informed me making me smile.

"I'm glad. Demi's a nice girl. Yous both deserve a break in here." I said, taking another sip of my tea.

"I agree. Let's just hope it goes easy sailing."


Engrossed in a conversation with Rebecca, Jordan, Demi and Siannise on the sun loungers, we all turned at the sound of a phone bleeping.

"I've got a text!" Molly shouted out. "Islanders, it's time to go full throttle in today's challenge...Girl Racers! #formulahun #shutupanddrive."


The challenge included of the boys guiding their partners through a race track, the twist being that the girls were blindfolded.

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