27. Happy

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Months flew past the couple like trees when you're on a car ride. Each day was a second and months were hours. It was now December.

Harry had found himself in year another rut. For he looked around their small apartment, and saw nothing but the most destructive memories. The fights him and his confused lover had previously, the times he drank to forget his condition and the times Zayn came in drunk trying to beg both Louis and Harry for a threesome. Definitely not.

Louis was out for the day and Harry was out for the day too, if out of his mind counted.

He had seen Louis only at night when he would come in about 9:30 and enter their bedroom. He told Harry to stop smoking so much weed in the apartment without opening a window, their room was starting to smell like a cheap high school party.

So, high Harry would nod to annoyed Louis and then he'd beg for a kiss, Louis would refuse until Harry bathed, and Harry would refuse until Louis promised to accompany him in the said bath. Usually high Harry's plan would work out and they'd lay in the bath-bombed tub while stroking each other with loofahs and humming slight melodies to the sound of their heartbeats. Harrys was always faster, heart pumped faster, he did things faster, took the fast way out, loved faster, lust faster, lived a generally faster life. He had spent his whole life trying to be the fastest that he stopped remembering things.

Louis was remarkable. Harry knew it, his friends knew it, his parents knew, siblings, co workers, damn, even the people he passed while walking down the street knew it. He was an amazingly beautiful human being. So perfect that it was even questionable if he was human or not.

"Tell me, tell me, tell me your problems." Harry began.

"Im here for you." Louis answered.

"Im sorry." Harry's high was wearing off.

"I know."

"I'm tired." Harry said honest. The candles lit around the bathroom gleamed against his glazed over eyes.

"Me too." Louis felt like he hadn't slept in years.

"Louis," Harry began, the noun seemed to shatter him, and he let out a sob. "Why won't you kiss me anymore?"

Louis stayed quiet.

"I miss your kiss-" Harry said, then wiped his tears.

"Your touch. You." And he calmed himself for a moment, like he has been doing alot as of late. "Don't you love me?"

"You're an angel. Of course I love you." Louis hummed, his hands tangling into Harrys wet curls. Harry helped him onto his lap.

Louis carefully placed his hands onto Harrys chest and signed. "So beautiful. My angel Harry." And he took all of him in, as if he was deprived of sight and could only see with his remaining senses.

"Kiss me."


{next chapter will be the christmas special, then probably a fluff chapter then the new years special, then the epilogue...😭

i've gotten alot of positive feedback on this book and im considering either carrying it on or creating a book 2! give me ideas either through my inbox, or comment, tweet me @-frapniall or you can send me a message on tumblr www.winterfrxst.tumblr.com !

love you guys and thanks so much for reading!

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