20. Sleepyhead

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The next morning Harry wakes up to the soft snoring to his sleeping lover, and he quickly slides out from under him and steps back to admire him asleep on the sofa. Harry thinks he's a sight, his lips slightly parted, one arm flung off the cushion and another in his hair, with his tshirt raised and his tan flesh exposed; he wonders how he got so lucky. Then he gets the urge to wee, so he hobbles to the restroom to see how well that works with a hard on. (In Harry's defence, you could see Louis' tattoos through his shirt and- oh damn.)

So, he quietly tries to direct his boner to aim into the toilet when he pees, and its really fucking challenging. So after about a good fifteen minutes of trying to play corn hole with his piss, Harry finally says "Fuck it!" At his dick and directly lays across the toilet. Not only is this one of the most strangest situations he swears hes been in, its also extremely difficult for him actually pee. And it also hurts, he thinks, its almost as if someone is trying to skewer is willy.

He's resisting the urge to cry, because he is a fucking man, and then he feels himself soften up and he pees. I guess god is real, he thinks to himself and actually laughs. Today Harry feels good.

He decided to move Louis from the sofa to the bed, and its quite easy for the six foot boy, One because Lou is a small man, and two because Harry is a strong man.

Louis stirs a little in his sleep, but once he realizes that he isnt going to fall, he calms down in his sleeping position in Harry's arms. The walk to the bedroom is not long enough, and before Harry realizes it he has to put his prince down. Harry gently lays him down after awkwardly pushing the covers back with his left leg (It took alot of balance, and trust me, Harry isnt a master in that department) he actually managed through it and successfully did it all without waking him up.

He happily bends down to kiss Louis' forehead then strolls towards the door. So far so good right? Wrong. Harry, being extremely proud of himself and giddy, trips over one of Louis' shoes and falls face first into the door.

"Ouch!" He says as he lifts his head up from the ground, reaching to his throbbing forehead.

"Harry!" Louis shouts frantically, Harry jumps and looks over at him.

"I just fell, im alright." He smiles, but he felt like crying. It hurt, but the situation was quite funny.

"Youre bleeding." And Louis watches as his face looses all of its color, he reaches his nimble fingers to his forehead and looks at the amount of blood on his fingers.

"Oh god." Harry says, showing Louis his ruby colored fingers.

"God Harry, get up!" Louis stands then holds his head, "Fuck, bloody hangover!" He shouts. " Well not as bloody as your-"

"Dont." Harry frantically says, and stands. They really were hungover as fuck, Harry swore he wasnt even functioning anymore but somehow they managed to walk into the kitchen.

"Sit," Louis instructed. And Harry did. "You're lucky i love you because i hate blood." Louis sighs, and disappears for a minute to get the first aid kid.

He opens up the plastic box and grabs the white rubbing alchol, a few cotton balls and a bandaid. Hopefully i wasnt deep enough to require stitches, and Harry would be shit out of luck if he did because he

A.) Has no money

B.) Hates hospitals and

C.) He wouldn't even go because it would scar his precious face.

So, Louis takes a gamble and opens the small bottle of disinfectant and applies it onto the cotton ball, he pulls Harry's hair away from his forehead and tucks it behind his ear. He then goes for the wound, and as he's about to get to work Harry grabs his wrist.

"It's going to hurt," He says, panicking. "I, Its deep. 'm scared."

And so, a bit of Louis breaks inside to hear him say those two words. Eight letters, two words, one syllable. Louis doesn't know what to do, himself is a bit sad to hear Harry say that. He raises his shirt a bit, and takes Harry's hand. He places it on his smooth hip and Harry rubs his fingers on Louis' prominent hip bone, and Louis just wants to kiss Harry's mouth but he cant so he just hums and goes on to clean the nick.

It wasn't deep enough to require stitches (Louis took a collage health course for like, three or four weeks) and the excessive blood was because of the blood flow to Harry's head. He had a migraine and a hangover, get it now?

"Thank you, doctor Louis." Harry says, grabbing Louis' arm and tugging it down so he falls on his lap. "Good morning, beautiful." He mumbles, then presses his lips to the older boys'.

"Mornin; my clumsy Harry." Louis hums and leans closer to him, wrapping his hands in Harry's curls and kissing his mouth. It was a good morning.

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