18. Midnight Memories

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{sorry for the later update, i just had blood work done, comment and like to keep the updates daily sorry also for any mistakes}

Harry hasn't been in contact with his mom lately. Louis wonders why, so he asks and all he replies with is "I have my reasons." And he leaves it with that. Every time, Louis figures it must be something that is important to Harry, because he's so persistent in what he says.

Tonight, Harry is gone at school and Louis decided that he was stressed enough to open the bottle of coconut vodka and grab the the case of beer.

A disgusting combination, but separate both were Louis favorite.

So, he grabbed the bottle from the cabinet above the sink and a cup from the cabinet next to that. He sat down in front of the open window and listened to Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap play on some 8tracks playlist. It was to the point where they never turned off the music because both - Harry AND Louis- were afraid that silence would swallow them up.

About half way through the bottle, Louis thought he heard footsteps outside of his door, along with the sound of rustling keys. The door unlocked to see a very drained looking Harry, his hair tangled and shoved beneath a hair scarf, his black skinny jeans faded, holes ripped up the legs and Harrys favorite sweater hanging off his body like a blanket.

"Hey." He says, winces at his own voice then gathers enough strength to step through the door. He sits his books on the coffee table and sulks over to Louis. "M, Join?"

Louis just nods and holds his hands out to help him sit down, then hands him a beer.

"Thanks. Great song," He comments, taking out his scarf thingy from his hair and raking his long fingers through his hair. It was probably about time for the both of them to get a haircut, Jesus Christ, Harry nearly looked like a girl from behind. Okay, well, he totally did look like a girl from behind but you know- its whatever.

Louis was already hiccuping and giggling by the time Haz sat down. Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out two spliffs, placed one in front of him, and then fishes out a grey lighter from his skinny jeans pocket. He brings the joint up to his lips and flicks his thumb back on the striker. He carefully lets the flame burn the small doobie and took a long puff. He forgets everything for a minute and exhales slowly, as if releasing all the stress he is bearing in one breath.

"At least open the window, Harry." Louis says blandly, and Harry puts the joint back into his mouth and sorta clamps his lips shut.

"Alright," So he slides the large white window open and a gust of cold wind enters the flat.

Thirty minutes later Harry was high as a fucking cloud, and Louis was slightly annoyed because he didn't even offer him a joint. Like, who does that? Whatever.

Harry's laughing, giggling and carrying on in his party of one, whilst Louis looks at him. Hes a totally different person when he' high, Louis thought. His skin glowing. smile shining, dimples on display.

Louis thought about love, and how crazy it is that here these two people were, after finding each other by coincidence, and somehow perfectly matched for each other. Louis loved Harry so much and no matter what he swore that night that he would always be completely devoted to the eighteen year old. Because deep down somewhere, he was the same dimply smiley Harry that Louis loved. He was destined to find him.


Harry found more weed, Louis demanded to smoke it with him and Harry insisted that if they did so, they must also share joints because that was way more romantic. Harry (previously being high as a cloud, remember?) was now floating around with the fucking stars and planets in the galaxy. He wasn't even making sense anymore.

"Louis?" He whined. "I'm sorry Lou Lou."

"Harry, for what lovely?" Louis slurred, okay fine, so maybe he wasn't completely sober himself.

"Lovely, lovely, lovely. I'm sorry i was so far from you. Its eating me alive Lou." He sighed.

"What is, Haz?" Louis was trying to get his thoughts together.

Harry was mumbling some things Louis couldn't decipher, ans Harry just shakes his head and stands up. At little wobbly at first, like a new born fawn, Harry slides off his pants and Louis starts to panic.

Then he sees the faint pink lines scattered across his thighs, and he feels all the liquor he drank hit his throat, suppressing the urge to vomit he feels the tears build in his eyes and he whispers profanity.

That's when he realized what happened, Harry was his guardian angel and unfortunately he fell.

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