30. Clean

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Seasons transitioned like seconds on a stop watch, as soon as you took a look then glanced down again what you saw was already gone. From winter, to spring, to summer, Harry had been rebuilding everything. Louis too. From putting down the blunts and picking up some good habits, they've literally never felt so free.

They had even moved out of the ran down apartment, that they really loved, and bought a medium sized house about an hour and a half from their old residence. They now have a reason to go on 5 a.m. jogs, there's a pond about half a mile down the block and Harry loves ducks. Funny enough, their puppy does too.

"Oh, look Haz!" Louis smiled and pointed to the small miniature Australian shepherd puppies. "C'mon, you said we could get a puppy when we got a bigger place.. Isn't four bedrooms and a basement enough?"

Harry thought about it for a second. He mentally compared the pros and cons. Pros: cute puppy, happy Louis, Louis with a puppy, Louis baby talking the puppy, Louis calling them both the puppies dads- okay- he's weak. "Yeah, it is love. Which one do you want?"

There was a total of about seven puppies in the pen, some black and white, some brown and white, some solid white and some solid black. In the very corner all tucked up and lovely was a white, brown and blue-ish gray colored puppy.

"That one," Louis pointed. "I want that one." He told the man.

"Okay, but shes the runt-"

"Doesn't matter. Ive made my decision." He says factually, and props his hand on his hip.

"Since they're pure bred, the cost should be 133 pounds."

"Alright," Louis looks at Harry excitedly and grasps a blank check. He quickly fills it out appropriately and hands it off to the man.

He gets into the medium sized pen and grabs the puppy a bit to forcefully and it makes the pair cringe.

"Here ya go, she's about six weeks old. Weaned early."

"Alright. Thank you."

The man nods and the love birds head off with their new companion.


"Alright, so, im naming her Dewy." Louis smiles.

"Thats so cute, shes so cute, you're so cute." Harry coos.

So later on Louis buys all the necessities for the pup. A kennel, toys, a bed, puppy shampoo, vitamins, a water and food bowl, clothes? (Harry's still trying to figure this out.), various treats and all natural wet dog food (because and i quote, Louis said "no dog of mine will eat some second rate chicken bone ground up mush.)

Shes a proper dog diva, just like Louis.

And now with all the additions in their lives, Harry is finding peace in the fact that he will never have acceptance from his mother.

At last he's accepted that the things that don't make him happy will all fall into place soon, and the things that do make him happy are going to be kept by his side.


So, that concludes At Last. This has been an amazing experience to write, and I will be going back and editing soon. As of now, I will be starting on a new story. Thank you so much for reading, I love each and every one of you with my entire heart. <3 (Also might start a sequel, not very certain yet but who knows.)

at last (h.s. + l.t.) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now