12. Big News

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Harry drives slowly, taking in every thought he had and processed it thoroughly before planning the talk he would soon have with his mother.
Today was the best time to tell her, he was gay and proud.

So, he parked and everything seemed so surreal, like the earth was spinning at the slowest rate possible and Harrys heart was beating so fast and the sweat beads on his forehead trailed down between his eyebrows.
Wiping them, he wrapped the hair scarf around his untrainable locks and walked into the building and infont of his door.

He thought maybe he should tell Louis, so he opened the opposite door and entered seeing his love lying on the couch watching a romantic movie.

"Im telling my mum today, babe." He said, laying down his stuff and walking over to him after shutting the door.

"Telling her?" Louis asked, inviting Harry to sit on the couch but he chose a much more comfortable seat. Louis' lap. Harry touched both of Louis' cheeks and ducked down to kiss him, their lips participants in a stolen dance of love and Harry feels so free and happy.

"That im gay." He smiles, and adds. "I love you."

Louis blushes and kisses both of Harrys dimples. "Thats great baby. I love you too, so much babe. " And Louis shoos bubbling Harry away to speak with his mum and he hopes for the best.

"Hey mum?" Harry asks, the thirty something woman turning around.

"Yes baby?" Anne was gorgeous, a goddess even. She had beautiful long hair, a perfect smile and teeth and a wonderful laugh. Harry loved his mum so much, she just wishes she was around more.

"I need to talk to you, its very important." He says slowly. "Will you sit down with me?"

They sit down in the living room and Anne smiles at Harry. "What is it, love?"

"So mum, ive wanted to tell you this for a bit now and its just been a little difficult for me lately and i just don't, like, want to influence your opinion on me its just-" he rambles. And then he thinks, if worst things worst he can always live with Louis.

"Come on Harry," she gestures.

"Mum im into boys." Harry says and he starts to sweat when he sees his mums face scrunch in what seems to be indifference.

"I love you for who you are, but I don't think that you're interested in them to that.. degree. I believe in equality, but i just don't want you to suffer in eternal hellfire. Do you understand? Do i need to look up the rehab center?"

Harry feels a pit in his stomach, he's upset and his eyes are burning with tears. He has that burning feeling all over, he doesn't want to loose it. He cant. He cant, he cant.

This isn't happening.

All he can manage is a, "N-no, im proud of who I am. I should l-leave."
So, he does into his room and locks the door.

He thinks of life and death, and how it must be, that you can feel everything all at once and then feel nothing at all.
And he wants to test this theory- he is going to test this theory- so, he searches through his full bookshelf to find the small wooden box that held one of his greatest treasures.

He takes the small object out and is ready to see just how well his hypothesis will play out.

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