24. Drunk In Love

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Louis sat criss-cross on the wooden floor in the unfamiliar house, Harry who was sitting on Louis' lap, took seven long swigs of the vodka before offering it to his eager boyfriend.

"Thanks," Louis slurred. Maybe he was a little hammered. "Appreciate it."

Harry just nodded, wrapped his arm around the older boy and nuzzled his head into Lou's neck. He couldn't help but notice the way that Harry's little curls would tickle Louis' exposed skin, and the way Harry smelt of roses and weed and how his hot breaths came out in shake puffs when the older boy touched his boyfriends thigh.

"Okay," Zayn said, stumbling into the room whilst handing a spliff to Harry, then another to Louis. "Light up, bastards." The beautiful god like man stood there until he saw each attendant take their lighters to the cigarette.

This had become a regular routine for the couple, wake up at four p.m, make out until they're too hot and bothered, then shower together (usually including blowjobs,) get ready to party, party then repeat.

Louis was stressed because, well, he can be, and Harry was stressed because it was finals week and he had gotten a text message from his mom about a week ago.

He obviously ignored the failed attempt to reconnect the two, and no matter how much Louis tried to pursued the depressed lad, Harry wouldn't reply. He couldn't. It was like every cell in his body was working against him in the act, he missed his mum, he did but it wasn't right hat happened and the way she handled it will forever scar her son.

So, here they were in the last step of their equation. Harry was smashed before he had even stepped foot into his boyfriends friends house, but that didn't matter right now. Zayn was always throwing parties, and was always welcoming to every guest who had something to forget, or well, to shake off stress or any other problem they could possibly have.

As long as the pair stayed together, high, drunk, sober, whatever; They were convinced that they would be shielded from any harm that could endanger the two.

"Louis," harry laughed whilst playing with the whispy locks that fell onto Louis' forehead. "Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are? Or that I love the way you say my name? Or that I love the sound of your laugh, the melodic sound its.. its.. i just adore everything about you lovely."

Louis was at a lost for words, he didn't know how to react because not only was he drunk but he was so fucking intoxicated by love that all he could see was stars.

"Louis, why cant i be happy all of the time? I try, i really do. And you make me happy, so so so fucking happy but but what if im not with you all of the time, you know? I am so confused, and i really want some ice cream baby." He slurred, playing with Louis' bottom lip. He watched intently as it bobbled up and down, and Harry mimicked the movements with his own.

To anyone else, the to might have looked insane, but it was so fucking cute.

"I don't understand LouLou, why did my mum say those things to me? I've tried to let it go, i've tried everything, they just hurt. Now i have to stare at these scars on my arms and its a constant reminder. I just want her to apologize, or something. At least it will make me feel better, you know?"

"Harry, there there." Louis mustered up, finally forming the words just as Harry started crying.

Harry was the type of crier where their nose tinges pink, their cheeks rose and the tears form fast. He looks like a baby who had been punched in the throat. Harry hates crying, he hates it so much that he would rather do anything than cry. Especially in front of Louis, not because hes trying to be strong for him because trust me, hes tried that and its not that easy. Harry may look like a bad ass, (when he isn't falling over his own feet, or when he isn't around Lou), but hes a big insecure cry baby with a attention dependency and attachment issues.

Louis was something special to Harry, he had never really experienced something so raw and so real with someone before. Everything he felt for Louis was real, and he appreciated that. He really hope that his older boyfriend didn't get tired of him ,or that this really wasn't a phase as everyone is saying. But how could it be if he were saying everything he just did?

"Harry," louis whispered.


"Please don't leave me, ever." Louis said, kissing the spot just below Harry's ear.

"I wont," harry promised truthfully. "I promise." He meant it.


The next morning they woke up in their flat, snuggled together against and sharing the breathes because the air was quite thick this morning.

"Good morning, love." Louis said, kissing Harry's temple.

"Good morning babe." harry said, sitting up and stretching.

"Oh fuck," Harry whimpered. "Headache."

"I feel you, only shit." Louis admitted. "Lets take a break, you know?"

Harry thought for a second. "You're right, we really do need to chill."

Then they both got up, brushed their teeth together and showered then got dressed.

"Wanna meet my friend, Niall today?" Harry asked, sliding on a black vneck. "He asked if we wanted to get lunch, he wants to meet you."

"Okay, i'd love to." Louis said quietly. He was pretty sure his heart fell through his ass, now he is going to meet this Niall person? Oh sweet fucking baby Jesus. "Shit, damn. What if he doesn't like me?" Louis worried aloud.

"Hey, babe. Niall is literally the most carefree person i know. He will love you, i promise. He's really cool, but just dont ask him about his accent. He thinks everyone makes fun of him behind his back," Harry trails off. When he looks up, he sees that adorable confused look on Louis' face.

"It happened in high school, its complicated." And with that, Louis nodded, smiled then let out a huf as he smoothed his shirt out. What a day, what a day. He hopes he can at least act somewhat mannered for this, at least for a little bit.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine!" Harry assured. It still didn't eliminate the butterflies in his stomach.

(wow this story is rated r now :/ oh well. share this please for a follow! like and comment! longest chapter ive posted, hope you enjoyed, it was basically a filler! stay tuned, love you all- and happy thanksgiving!)

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