21. Eighteen

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/three weeks later/

"Harry," Louis whined, he sat his head in Harry's lap. "Get your hair cut, lad." He really needed too, i mean it looked healthy and everything its just that it was down to his shoulders.

"Louis," Harry jokingly mocked, then reached down and touched his boyfriends stubbly cheeks. "Shave, and i will." Harry smiled, then bend down and kissed Louis' soft lips. He hums, then ponders the trade.

"Okay. Deal," Louis says and stands up, then spits in his hand. "Cmon." He waves it at Harry.

"Ew, Louis." Harry cringes, then Louis bats his eyes at his lover and smiles. Harry hurrys and reaches behind his back, putting his forefinger over his middle. "Fine." Then he spits in his hand and they shake.

"Disgusting," Harry says and wipes his hand on his black vneck. "C'mon!" He smiles and grabs Louis' wrist and drags him to the restroom.

He watched from the doorway as Louis concentrates on removing his facial hair. With it Harry thought he looked older, way older. But he was hot as hell with or without it.

After twenty minutes, Louis finishes and grabs the opposite boys hand gently and guides him out of the apartment (they were both dressed and ready to leave), down the hall, into the lobby and out of the building.

They plop into Louis' red camaro and after a long debate, Louis surrenders and let's Harry drive.

"Just be careful with my baby," Louis pleas.

"I thought i was your baby." Harry pouts and Louis feels sad.

"You are. I love you. Wreck my car and you're dead though." Louis smiles then kisses his boyfriends cheek.

"Off we go!" Harry shouts and turns the radio on and sings along to the horrible pop song.


"Harry!" Louis says after listening to the entire The 2975 album.

"What? If we're going to get my hair cut, then im choosing the music we listen too!" He says, then batts away Louis' hand.


"Nope, Sam Smith it is!"

Harry shouts and turns the radio back up again.


Harry normally hasn't had to worry about ex boyfriends or friends because he definitely didn't have any. So, when Louis asked him

"Harry, who is your best friend?" The only person who cane to mind was the boy next to him.

"You." Harry said, while looking out the window.

"Aw, Haz. That's so cute." Louis said laughing like he was trying to be cutesy. It was true, and that scared Harry.

"Who is your best friend, Louis?" Harry asked, eyes intently fixed on the road.

"Liam, maybe Zayn. You'll have to meet them one day. They're lovely."

Harry was sad, he was very dependent on his older boyfriend and he hasn't even met his friends. Let alone his family.


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