Hollowing Souls

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I decided to move quicker now, it seemed like my best interest would be served to stay near Alden and Merlin and right now I really just wanted to see a friendly face instead of the sick, tempting, and warning faces of the royals.

Thankfully I didn't have to go far and when I arrived I was pleased to see Alden sitting on the work bench making not only dinner but other remedies for healing. I smiled and sat down next to him before leaning my head on his shoulder in exhaustion.

"Long day my dear."

"You have no idea..." At this I began telling him everything that happened during the time he left me in Uther's presence.

"I see." Alden answered

"That's it. An I see, is all ya got for me." I said reverting back to my southern drawl. "No explanation of your action or why any of that was said to me."

"My guess is that Blasine was trying to seduce you while Morgawse was saying that warning in your best interest." Alden looked down in thought before he made eye contact with me.

I was becoming livid and my tone grew a few octaves, "when is Merlin coming back?"

Alden looked at me in surprise as he answered, "not for a few more hours."

"Then I think you should start with the beginning and go from theirs want to know everything about Blasine."

Sighing Alden started, "Blasine is, as you know, Arthur's half sister. But she differs from the other two because before King Uther took her mother as his wife she was learning the dark arts. She is still a relative beginner but she does cause Arthur trouble behind his back since she is smart enough not do to magic that could be tracked back to her. Uther, ever since he married the Queen didn't want magic inside the kingdom. Most don't now this but he did so because he didn't want the spell lifted off of the Queen. He coveted her more than land, title, or gold. He wanted her and he had a wizard craft a spell to make her see the lover that Uther killed in Uther. The princess never recovered when she found out what Uther did. Now all of there time left in the castle before she goes and marries her own King that only benefits Uther and Arthur, she has pledged herself to Arthur's downfall. She's always creating mischief and in all honesty I wouldn't doubt if she is keeping Uther from healing. I doubt she caused his injury but she could have given him the infection, though it's impossible to know for sure."

"And Merlin is tring to prevent it?" I interjected.

"Yes, Merlin is. But his fight is easier since if she makes Arthur really mad, he will have her sped to her husband sooner rather he than later. That in itself will be punishment enough. You should see the King she is to marry. He is atrocious, ugly, and has no manner what's so ever and on top of that she will be his fifth wife. She will have no power or authority."

"It's kind of sad really." I said as Alden finished and his face fell as he though of Blasine's fate.

"Yes it is. But alas there isn't anything that can be done to save her and even if I could do something even with all the hell she has cause me and Merlin honestly I would save her." Alden said.

I looked down, "I can't help but sympathies with her. She has no power even here to control her fate she must play her part and if she dares deviate she is punished. This world, this time is unfair in many ways. Merlin who is strong and good must be a servant while Uther who clearly doesn't have the people's best interests at heart rules and Blasine who only wishes to be in control of her own destiny is the one thing that she can't have."

"Many things can be seen many ways, my dear, I know your perspective is different but I also know that Blasine is not the angel that just wished for her fate to be changed." Alden answers solemnly.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now