Reality Sets In

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AN: Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Hanukkah, 圣诞节快乐, Happy New Year, and Season's Greetings if I missed what you celebrate. I have a Present for all of you. I've worked vey hard on it and I hope you all enjoy. I'm posting 'King Of The Sky' in full and will not be adding anything else to it. It's a short story only meant to be a present for my readers and followers as a thank you for reading, voting, following, talking, and enjoying this wonderful life with me and endulging in a little bit of the madness inside of my head.
-Strider (2014)

The carriage ride was a few hour, Merlin rode with Arthur and the Knights on horse back while me and Alden rode inside the carriage.

I was not happy about this.

I wanted to ride one of the beautiful creatures and no matter how I explained that I had rode a horse before the guys brushed me off, apparently only men ride horses, only women of high rank can ride horses.

The sexism in that is outsanding.

I will have to work on how people in to century view women, not that Rome was built in a day but I can at least help the movement.

Once we are in he castle Merlin and Arthur are summoned it the Kings chamber.

Me and Alden unpack, at first the Knights help us move all of the boxes through the lower level of the castle, and the me and Alden began the arduous task of unpacking.

The rooms we were given consisted of a major room which was were Alden did his healing it came with a smallish kitchen area and lots of storing, I could help but think that this was like a dinning room with an open design kitchen but without the living room since there was a table in the middle of the room with four small stools around it.

Then there were two smaller rooms off of the main room that I was told was the two bedrooms, the guys took the bigger room and I took the smaller room, I also found out that there weren't doors to the bedrooms, I was going to live in Merlin's old room that he had just moved out it so I could live there.

My room had a small single bed in it, a trunk, and small table with two cabinets next to for more storage.

The whole room smelled like Merlin, I couldn't stand it so after I had unpacked my person stuff I left to help file away the herbs into the appothicary.

The cloth dividing my door had a small hanger off to one side and I was able to draw the cloth back, so I pulled the bright red cloth back to try and let the room air out, I didn't think I would be able to sleep otherwise.

I had gotten to the G's before Arthur came into the room, Alden was unpacking his and Merlins clothes in the room next to mine, so when Arthur came into the room even though he had been walking toward me Alden interrupted him, "what can I do for you, sire?"

Arthur broke eye contact with me saying, "nothing I am here to see Eleanor, I was going to ask her if she wanted a tore of the castle?" This last part was directed at me and he was waiting for an answer.

I looked at Alden unsure of what to say, honestly I did want a tore of the castle but something for about Arthur was off to me and I didn't trust him.

"Well? I don't have all day and I would like to spend the time I have with you." Arthur says impatiently.

Yep this is definitely a guy who is used to getting his way, "sure" I said not wanting to anger him, it was clear that the path of least resistance would be the best way forward, since the prince could have me killed.

Arthur's face lit up in happiness, as he took my hand in his and pulled me from the room, I looked back at Alden wanting to say something but I didn't have anything to say.

Arthur, who said he only had an hour to spend with me, actually spent around five hours showing me every inch of the castle. We spent more time than I would have cared to in the armory and training grounds, but when he brought me to the stables he had to drag me away, he also showed me the great halls, kitchen, and several chambers that had to be explained to me that they were for ball and visitors when the visitors number were really high, like over the 100's. Arthur also made sure I knew where the royalty's bedrooms where so that way if I was scared I could go and see him, like if I got home sick of something like that, I'm not sure if he knew how inappropriate that was or if he was saying it as a joke.

I finally got him to take me back to the chambers below when a woman who was dressed fashionably well came into the hallway, when she say us she turned and spoke, "Arthur, don't tell me you've picked up another one? Wasn't the last one that ran away prove enough."

"Remember your place Blasine." Arthur growled out in a low voice that put back into her accusations.

After he said this two more sister came out of the doorway Arthur greeted them, "Morgawse, Morgan." He gave a short bow to each as he said their names, both bowed back and latched arms with Blasine and all three of them walked off down the hallway.

"Who are they?" I asked looking at Arthur.

"My sister's, well half sisters." He looked like he was going to stop but I gave him a quizzical look causing him to explain further. "You know my father, King Uther Pendragon and Igraine was the wife to Duke Gorlois of Cornwall when she gave birth to me. When Gorlois was killed, Uther immediately married Igraine, my mom and she and her three daughters born from Gorlois came to live in the castle but none of them have claim to the throne, only me."

I saw a glint of pride in his eyes has he had said this but I didn't comment, I decided to just let him continue or not, depending on himself.

"My three half-sisters are Morgawse, Blasine, and Morgan le Fay. Morgawse is to marry King Lot of Orkney, Blasine is to be married to King Nentres of Garlot, and Morgan is going to be the wife of King Urien of Gorre. My other sister who you haven't met in Anne, who is married to King Lot of Orkney."

"Where is Anne?" I dared to ask even though Arthur's time had dropped and it seemed like he was fighting some demons to tell me this.

"She has already been sent off to King Lot of Orkney, she left four years ago when she turned 13, she is the first wife of the King and there country allowed men to have multiple wife's so after the fifth birthday of his heir then he can take another wife who will be Anne's half sister, Morgawse."

I said the only thing I could think about, "does Anne and Morgawse get along?"

Arthur turned to me with a dark look before laughing hard, "yes they get along they knew growing up that this was what will happen, women of power in this country is used to gain more power for the royal family."

"Do they have no say in the matter?" I asked

Arthur put his hand around my shoulder before answering, "no they don't. But it's not all bad they have money and clothes and they do not go hungry."

Arthur said that like that was all that was important, quite frankly it upset me to hear him talk like women are only tools for men to gain more power and wealth. Once again the sexism upset me but I bit my tongue and I realized that I would have to let the feminist movement go if I was going to survive living in this time, or they may just burn me as a witch at the stake.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now