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*Jamie's pov*

In returned to our chambers and found Eirik just walking in. "Where have you been?" I asked trying not to sound irritated.

"I was helping out with the sick but mother found me and told me to go up here and wait for her while she talked to that foreigner." He answered honestly with a look that read he knew he was in trouble.

I sighed and moved to the door, "Don't move an inch." I practically growl out, if I wasn't irritated before then I am now.

I head out of our chambers and went down to the courtyard. Something pulled me towards it, with just that little bit of information I knew where Eleanor would be, she said she was coming to our chambers and when she didn't see Eirik she must have looked out the window and when she saw him outside, she would have flew down to him and to find him with Merlin... My thought trailed. Would she care? Would it bother her that my flesh was talking to him even though he planned on hurting me and my son? I shook my head, no. Eleanor isn't thinking about the wizard like that. She still sees the good in him, what he was. Maybe I am a bit jaded because he loves my wife but I know I'm not wrong. The hatred I saw in the Wizards eyes didn't lie. He wanted her still despite being with me, despite her having a son and a life here. I was the enemy for giving her an attachment that wasn't him. But I gave her a home. Neither of us knew if he was going to come, and hell coming at this late hour... You might as well not come at all.

My thoughts rambles on like this always pulling in his favor. I don't know why I was jealous of what hey had. Maybe it's because he found her when she was vulnerable. But he didn't defend her like I did and I knew that's what tied her to me as wife. Her love and admiration of me was set on the foundation of me being her protector but morphed into the love and respect that we both share for each other.

I stopped at the dirt when I heard merlin's voice, "I didn't come all this way to be turned around now. I'm still here for you and I meant to tell you but Arthur kept getting in the way those last few days but I found a way for you to go home, to your own time." He said it in a happy tone and my world felt like it was collapsing, I was stunned waiting for her response... Needing her to say no even though I knew she wouldn't. Going home was she always talked about before. Not that she had mentioned it in the last few years I felt like she kept in the back of her mind.

"I can't" she said in small voice.

"What?" he answered clearly upset by the answer. We both didn't expect that answer.

"I can't." She repeated.

"Why not?" Merlin says irritated, and I wouldn't lie I wanted and answer to that as well, I slide closer to the door knowing she wouldn't answer in a loud voice and I didn't want to miss a word of it.

"Because I have a family now, my son is here. What time will go back to? The time where I was just out of school, or would all of these years have past and now the people that I thought I knew have grown and I don't know them anymore." She says in a strong irritated voice.

"Does it matter? You don't belong here." He threw back at her and I was about to open the fort and defend my wife when I heard her response come out of her like a dragon spitting fire with absolute certainty.

"Thanks for that. Jackass."

Her response caused a smile to appear on my face, that left just as quickly as it came. Merlin was here for my wife, nothing more. But the silence had me worried, what were they doing? I moved again to open the door when I was stopped by his voice.

"You cant leave me again. I don't want you to go away from me ever again." I felt disgusted at him. I pushed open the door and stood there with my arms folded as my wife turned bright red and I noticed the smudge on her lips. The bastard kissed her.

I saw red and grabbed my wife's arm and forcibly dragged her behind me and sad low and menacingly, "Stay the fuck away from my wife. You have your answer and you have no reason to come slinking around here anymore."

Merlin didn't even look ashamed as he shrugged, "she was mine before she was yours and besides its her decision."

"Just like her vows that say till death do us part." I said with a grin knowing the face that we were married being thrown in his face would upset him.

Merlin was stunned for a moment until a creepy grin appeared on his face and he replied, "That can be arranged if you want."

I lunged at the bastard wanting to beat his head in but the arms of Eleanor my beautiful wife held my back. Her soft grip I could have easily pulled out of but I could feel her emotion through her touch and knew now wasn't the time for this so I turned and looked at her instead.

"Time to leave." She said in her queen voice that meant she was trying to control her emotions.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around her, she snuggled in and sniffed before wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me like she does when I'm about to leave and she wants me to know that she needs me back as soon as possible.

God I love this woman.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now