King's Duty

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Jamie's pov

I had to leave. I hated it, but then again I always hated it. I felt like when I left my prides, the only reason for me being alive were in danger. I knew of the hardships my wife faced being married to me. The names, the taunts, but when I was around nothing could touch them. But I couldn't always be there. I did however have an ace in the hole. I had several spies around the castle, men and women who loved the Queen like I did and knew that everything she did was for the good of our people.

Eleanor never asked me to be King when my father and brothers died but I knew the position would be the best to protect her. I didn't want her to want for anything and when I found out she was pregnant it made the feeling grow even stronger. The need to protect her, she was so frail when she was pregnant and I feared that she would lose her life. Her pregnancy was during the tournament and this was when I had begun the process of having spies around the castle to make sure nobody could hurt her.

I've had to be crafty to get rid of some of the threats against her, but slowly but surely the castle is becoming safer. At least now her only real threat is being called names. That I can handle for now but even with that I am losing my patience trying to find who s pushing for her life to be made difficult. Someone must be jealous and I will find out who.

I moved on my horse shifting in the saddle as we headed toward a village where there have been reports of an English intruder with an unknown agenda and apparently weird powers. I wanted to check it out myself to see if this person is like my wife. I barely believed it when she told me the story of her arrival in this time as she called it. To make matters worse were the stories of her previous love who can control magic, the wizard who had her heart at one point. My knuckles turn white as I strain my hands against the reins still a little jealous at the thought of my wife's life before me. I had a very strong desire to monopolize her. I didn't mean to and I knew she didn't like it but I couldn't help myself, she is perfection and I hated that there was once a time when people looked at her and I wasn't there to see her as well.

The ride to the out laying village was long and arduous. I longed to be home with my child and wife. My mind wandered to her goddess like body and all the ways I held her the night before.

Shaking my head I try to get her out of my thoughts when I feel my pants tightening. I need to focus on the task at hand so I may get back to her faster.

My second in command looks over at me and speaks, "we are almost there my King, just beyond these trees here." He points off to the distance less than a 2 miles away in Eleanor's terms of distance. My love had taught me many things and I couldn't help but think about it at times like this.

I nod, then we can gallop since the horses are about to get rest before the ride back. I nod, "let's get this over with." I urge my horse forward faster and my men speed up with me. In no time at all we arrive at the village.

"Spread out get information." I order my men as my second stands next to me. In all technicality he is under the control of my wife with orders to stick close to me and make sure I come back to her, I smile as the memory of her screaming at my second when I came home after a small outing like this when some bandits had attacked us and I had ended up getting a couple of cuts on my face and arms, nothing major. She however was furious.

I walked forward with my second next to me as an English men who was clearly running from something ran straight past us. I gestured to my second as he lunged forward and grabbed the man, his black hair was long and unkept but other than that he was attractive for a male. I was immediately taken back, this man looked like the description of Merlin that his Eleanor had given him all of those years ago when she had opened her heart to him.

"You must be the English man we were looking for?" I say irritated all of a sudden.

My second looks at me and pulls out his irons to bind the man.

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