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"Momma, momma wake up! Mom please wake up, I want to go outside and daddy's boy here so please." A small but strong voice pleaded.

*Eleanor's pov*

I'm woken by a small familiar voice.

"Not now I had a long night baby please let me sleep."

"But momma I want to go out and train so I can be strong like daddy." The voice says.

Groaning I sit up in bed and look at the little face of my son. His brilliant green eyes at bright as mine along with matching red hair but the rest of him is purely his father.

"Eirik" the boy stiffened, I only used his name when he was in trouble. "What have I told you about waking me up. Seriously I don't know which one of you is more of a hassle. You or that bird brained fathers of yours." At this I smiled and when Eirik saw me smile he mirrored it realizing I was teasing him.

"Come on" I pulled the covers back, "join me and take a nap."

A whine escaped Eirik's lips as he pouts at me.

"Momma be serious I want to train so I can be strong like daddy."

I sigh and get up rubbings eyes thinking about how easy it would be to kick the child out of my room and go back to sleep. Jamie had left early in the morning and like always the night before he left after pampering me endlessly as he whispered promises of never leaving again. Even though we both know as King he must leave me sometimes. But I won't do that despite who they nag and keep me up, despite being weakened from child birth I refuse to let either of the men in my life down.

I get out of bed as Eirik happily dances around the room singing about he will be a get warrior like his father as I slowly, sluggishly get dressed.

We head out me with my hair in side braid and my husbands clothes around my back I leave my chamber not looking at all like a typical queen but more like a savage warrior. This fit me I thought.

The guards and other Vikings of the castle look at me with fear and hatred, I am the outsider and my child is nothing but a mix breed freak. I know what they call us behind our back, but never when Jamie is home. No they are silent then but now that he isn't home the vermin show their true colors.

I walk with my head held high through the palace with Eirik at my side, he notices the difference in me and walks straighter next to me. Bless him.

I take Eirik outside the castle walls to a friend. The Captain of the ship and my only friend here, Jamie when he became King freed all of the slaves that had been on the ship with me and sent them home wanting them to spread the word that I was safe and happy. But the Captain choose to stay with me and Jamie saying that he was sent on this mission because he had upset Arthur and he didn't wish to return there, that there was nothing for him to return to.

I was happy for this one friendly face in the castle filled with enemies but I was most happy for someone I could leave my son with and entrust teaching him how to be a man along with how to fight when Jamie wasn't home.

The Captain treated me like a daughter and Eirik like a grandson and while Jamie was irritated with it whenever me and Eirik talked to much about the Captain and his training we both knew it as only because Jamie was jealous that he himself couldn't be there threw the mile stones and efforts that Eirik was putting into his studies as well as fighting.

"What are we going to work in today? My strike? Or maybe my blocking?" Eirik said as soon as we got to the Captain's door.

"Or maybe we need another lesson in manors?" I say giving Eirik a glare.

Eirik bowed his head, "I'm sorry for being rude, good morning and how are you?" He corrects.

The Captain laughs and runs his hand into Eirik's head, "yes my boy I'm fine and good morning to you by the sword lesson will be after lunch for now I wish to see if you've been practicing reading."

A groan came from the child as he slid past the Captain and made his way to the table and chairs.

As small chuckle came from the Captain before he turned to me, "and how are you this morning? I didn't expect to see you so soon after Jamie has left." He said with a smile knowing my husband all to well.

A small blush came to my face as I nodded, "yes well the child is eager for knowledge as you can see."

The on going joke between us made the Captain laugh heartily and he closed the door behind me and added, "yes yes but to much swords and not enough books might turn him into the King."

Eirik huffed at this not likely the joke we always make, "I don't mind being exactly like father."

"I know son I know but if you are to be a great king then the ability to read and writing will be necessary. Besides your father and I can read and write." I say trying to calm my son before he gets hurt about us joking.

I move to the kitchen side of the room as I begin making food for lunch as I listen to the lesson and my son reading.

"This lord the Brwyss I spak of ayr
Saw all the kynryk swa forfayr,
And swa trowblyt the folk saw he
That he tharoff had gret pitte.

Quhen all this sawe the Brwss Robert
That bare the crowne swne eftirwart
Gret pytte off the folk he had
Set few wordis tharoff he mad.

A knycht that then wes in his rowt...
Schyr Alane off Catkert by name
Tauld me this taile as I sail tell."

"And what does it mean?" The Captain asked

"He's talking about court life in the castle." Eirik answers sounding unsure.

"You don't sound positive."

"Well I'll be honest some of the Icelandic words don't translate as easily." Eirik answers smoothly.

"They never do." The Captain laughed before adding, "it probably doesn't help that you know two languages thanks to me and your mother. I remember when Jamie first came to me and asked to learn more of English because he wished to speak to your mother better.

"He asked that?" Eirik said wide eyed as I turned around at the new news.

The Captain chuckled at both of our reactions and smiled, "yes dear one" he said to my son but I caught a glimpse of he smile and twinkle in his eyes as he flashed me a look, "Jamie would do anything for your mother."

"Of course, that's why I'm suppose to protect mommy while he's gone, she's his heart and I must protect it with everything I have." Eirik said before realizing that he had said it in front of me and put his hands around his mouth like it had been a secret.

Then all of a sudden a shiver went through my spine as I got a very bad feeling. Something was coming. I was sure of it.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now