The Ivory Coast

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Recap:I felt back to square one in this time frame the only difference is that this time I was at an utter lose at what I was suppose to do next.

I decided to look through the books as a distraction. Books were always a place where I could escape the reality of any situation if at least only for a few minutes at the very least. I could only recognize a handful I the titles, not that I had read any of them, and was surprised to see what I thought could be Chinese and Russian letters on several shelves of books. at least in this place I can be a scholar and learn, a small solace to know that my mind will be entertained even if my body must rot. I picked up several of the books I recognized and set them near the bed before going to the chest and seeing what the knights allowed me to take with me on this forced journey.

I heard the knights outside be swapped out with guards, I assume to prevent me from leaving the ship while we departed. It was less than an hour when I could hear the movement of the deep waves crashing against the side of the boat causing the swaying that I knew would eventually make me sick. I hadn't moved since I had opened the trunk and seen the contents. The contents made me feel uneasy, the whole chest was filled with paper. My few clothes were in it, a fewer number of personal affects, and I was happy to see a journal that I had been writing my past, the future, down in for Merlin. But all around that were balls of paper, I didn't have to look at then all to know that the few I could see represented them all, they all said the same thing 'I told you'.

I reflected on who would have written that as I felt the ship leave port, and the only life I know slip away.

I was sitting there dazed by the swaying when a knock came to the door, three short precise raps like someone used one knuckle to make the sound.

"Yes." I answer hearing how unsure I sound.

The man who walked in was tall, tan, muscular, a bit scared, and chiseled. This blue eyed adonis was stunning, so much so that the rant I had been planning on spouting off when I heard the door start to open died on my lips the second I saw him. I stood up as he had entered and now I felt stupid standing in a fighting position without a word to say.

"So your the one?" He asked in a deep almost velvety voice before adding, "I expected something more."

My shock at his entire situation had me stunned into silence, even if I had had a comeback for that I couldn't have said it to the man before me.

Lucky we were interrupted by Lancelot, "what do you think you are doing in her room alone?" His tone was condemning and protective, and my spirits soared a little knowing I at least had someone who could stand by me as we dealt with this new obstacle before us.

"Your the guard, are you?" The tone of his voice read contempt at being interrupted.

"And you are?" Lancelot nearly yelled at the man.

The Adonis smiled and stated, "I am the captain of this vessel known as Sieg, and I am called Captain Stärke. I am the one that controls wether or not you will get sent off of my ship in the middle of the ocean or not, or maybe you will have an accident where your eyes or maybe even a leg gets taken from you. if you understand then I suggest that you keep your mouth shut around me and stay out of my way."

Captain Stärke with his words spent to his leave with a singular glance at me as if he was planning something that I couldn't read and left my room.

"We are going to have to be careful not to anger him." Lancelot said before adding, "but I say the way he looked at you and I will make sure that your ok."

I gave him a weak smile but couldn't answer as the lump in my throat formed, I couldn't help but wonder what would become of me now with these strange unseeable turn of events. Lancelot gave me a pained look but said nothing else as he sat down on the side of the bed next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. This feeling was nice, it wasn't sexual contact and I could tell that while Lancelot may have at one point in time liked me that at this point in time the contact was only as a friend trying to console another friend. I leaned into the hug enjoying the warmth of another person for a minute after the cold silence of being alone for so long.

After I got myself to get her I asked for a bit of relief from the tension in the room, "so where are we going?"

Lancelot pushed off of me and gave me a smile, "that's my girl. We are headed to the colony that our great nation has just finished claiming, in the southern tip of what's being called Africa."

I felt my mind forget where I was and what time I was in. I was going to Southern Africa, the thought pained me and I wondered if there was anyway I could chance the carnage that I knew was coming.

"But do you know precisely where?" I finally ask.

"Yes, we are going to the Ivory Coast." Lancelot as we're with a smile like it was a good thing that I was taking an interest in what's going on with the ship and the voyage.

I can't remember where exactly that particular spot is in Africa but I knew that U.S. Heading that way and any of the Britain countries already being able to sail towards the coasts of Africa was not a good thing.

I watched as Lancelot left my room to leave me with my thoughts with only the parting goodbye of that he would check in on me later and that he didn't k today would be a good day to leave me room. I numbly nodded and said nothing as he left, agreeing to anything since I didn't hear what he said.

I have to think of a way to survive in this type of life style and to do that I knew one simple truth I would have to adapt if I had any hope of surviving.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now