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"So what shall we do about this?" The Viking Prince asked me considering me for a second before answering his own question.

"I know that Lancelot was exiled so how about this." He turned from me and face Lancelot, "you shall go and tell her beloved back home about her being Married to my brother, and if you return with him then he may fight for her hand in Marriage and her life. But if your king kills you or if you don't survive the journey then Eleanor shall be Jamie's by default."

He turned back to me even though the men were upset by this he kept talking in a lower voice so only I could hear, "you better hope he doesn't succeed for he will die either way either by your kings hands or by mine if he comes back along with your beloveds, you should pray that he is a coward and that he will run for his life and find another girl to be chivalrous to."

My face drained of color as the Prince cut me down to say my goodbyes to Lancelot in my stunned state that all I could say was, "runaway please runaway."

Lancelot gave me a look that read who do you think I am, and when he answered he said, "I will bring him back, I know of whom you look at with love in your eyes I wish it could have been me but I know I can at least bring him here for you."

"Don't" I cried out but was being dragged away by the two silent bodyguards who carried me back to the tent leaving Lancelot alone with the Vikings and me with tears coming down my face was so confused at why Lancelot would go to such lengths for me.

It wasn't long before Jamie came into my tent to inform me that Lancelot was off in the sea fending for himself, he looked at me as if he wanted to say something more and I knew better than to beg the Viking for anything. he didn't have pull from his brothers and from what I could see the Vikings had what the needed to clench their lustful desires and I didn't want to waste my time and get laughed at for an idea that had less than a 2% chance of working.

Jamie watched me silently looking perplex, when I finally recognized him in he room he crossed over to me and kneeled next to me making sure not to touch me. "I'm sorry for everything." he said in a low shaky voice with his thick accent.

I looked him in his bright green eyes that mirrored mine and for a moment I felt a small pull towards him. As if he was something from a memory past. I couldn't place my thoughts on what or where I had seen him but there was a sense of déjà vu.

I was sure how long I sat there looking at Jamie but the noise coming from outside the tent made me jump, startled out of my trance I watched as Jamie crossed the tent and looked outside before moving the curtain that was my door over allowing his brothers to pass him and enter the tent.

"Ah so it here brother." the eldest said before adding, "but she isn't your yet so be gentle with her but a little shouldn't be a problem." he said with a wink as Jamie turned scarlet with the word little and looked at the floor.

I was starting to get irritated of being talked about in front of my face and snapped, "I'm not anybodies property and just so you know there is nothing and I mean nothing that can keep me with you ruffians."

My anger was spend from the yelling and I felt better burnt wish I had said more until I looked up and saw the 5 brothers with red faces looking like they were going to murder someone.

The three middle brothers looked at each other shrugged and left the tent like it want there business and I knew what it meant the prince and Jamie would decided my punishment.

The prince smiled a cruel smile and looked down at me like he wanted to wear my skin like the fur on his back, I shuddered involuntarily at the look as I looked at him unable to look anywhere else.

Jamie interjected, "I'll handle her, be lenient brother you know she's scared not only for herself but now for the one she loves to." a flash of pain crossed his face as he said the last part.

The eldest looked at Jamie, "are you sure?"

"Yes big brother Svein please let me handle her my own way at least until I can sever the bond between her and the other." Jamie's jaw was clench and I couldn't tell why he was starting to get so upset.

The Prince Svein nodded solemnly before adding, "you know father wants us to head back in two months of he doesn't come before then, he will be labeled a coward that has forfeited her. Then she can be yours legally."

Jamie nodded and Svein left with a scowl in my direction that didn't seem to be menacing at all but more like he didn't feel like I was worth the trouble.

Jamie came and sat next to me once the door was closed. He didn't say anything but somehow his presence was calming to me.

Finally Jamie spoke, "I'm sorry your going through this and I know it might not count for much but I will protect you no matter the cost, nobody here will ever hurt you."

I looked a Jamie who while he looked like he could hold his own he didn't look like he could protect me if the other Viking truly wanted to hurt me, I couldn't help but wonder where his bravado came from. But something about his confidence made me feel assured in my own safety even if the logic wasn't there.

Jamie looked at me as I processed before getting up and heading towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked wondering if it sounded as needy to him as it did to my own ears.

Jamie turned and smiled, "you won't be alone but I won't stay in this tent and be tempted by you either when you have someone else in your heart."

My heart jumped at his words and I blushed realizing fully what I had just insinuated and appreciated Jamie not taking me up on the offer I didn't mean to make, Jamie smiled down and me and turned to go.

My sleep came after hours of tossing and turning and tears, and was fitful at best. When dawn came I was up and headed toward a small hill a little ways away from the camp, I needed to clear my head and focus on doing what needs to be done.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now