Vikings Battlement Castle

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Eleanor's pov

When I snapped out of shock we were in the road. I was up on a very pretty horse with Jamie behind me controlling the horse and keeping me on it in my dazed state.

"Where are we going?" I asked in a small voice still very unsure of everything.

"Home, your new home." Jamie said shortly.

"Are you upset at something?" I ask hoping it's not me.

"No there's just a lot going on. Are you ok?" He asked sounding unsure.

"Yeah." I didn't know what else to say so I stayed quite which seemed fine with Jamie as we rode the rest of the day in silent. The slow march finally finished at dusk as the men dismounted and set up a small camp fire for about five at a time with most of the men just plopping down on the ground to catch some sleep before dawn.

Jamie helped me down and spread our a blanket that I doubt would have been used if I wasn't here and set up a small mat for me to sleep on. I thanked him and curled up on the ground with him sitting next to me with his arm on my shoulder. The night wasn't uncomfortable but the light sleep I got afforded me the chance to know that Jamie didn't sleep at all his muscles were taught as he kept his one arm on me as if in the middle night I might vanish. This was comforting to me but at the same time I wondered why he was so worried about me, this level of protection seemed unnecessary for  where we were with no enemies around us, the Vikings didn't even post guards it was clear that they were comfortable where ever this was and didn't feel like they were threatened , yet Jamie stayed awake as the one guard for the entire camp making sure I didn't get hurt.

As I was pulled onto the horse the next morning I couldn't get my mind off of these matters, I didn't help that Jamie's face had large bags under his eyes pronouncing that he didn't sleep a wink. His tight mouth showed me the wish not to speak so I stayed quite and didn't even argue when he put me onto of the horse like I didn't know how to ride.

The journey today wasn't as long with us stopping at around dinner time to a huge castle that looked very menacing with its huge battlement on either side of the entrance and multiple skulls adorning the gate above the door, the middle one was the creepiest and it took every ounce in my being not to say out load, it's a dragon. Instead I just leaned into Jamie and turned my head as he road past the gate with his hand on my head in a reassuring manor.

The men seemed to slow dissipate as they branched off going, I assume, home or to a tavern to relax. As the 5 brother and me with the men in different uniforms that I asked earlier and found out that they were the guards for the brothers, like they needed guards, but these were the most loyal men and those who had been proven to be the most loyal so they got special privileges, one of which being they got to live inside the inner battlement castle which practically guaranteed there safety and comfort.

Once inside the inner castle walls you could really tell he difference between this part of the castle and the outer part, this area was more luxurious and finer. A few scars on the walls showed that even the this crew of Vikings would get rowdy when they felt the urge.

Once inside the inner battlement the guards left to there homes, barracks, and the taverns so they could go get food and women. I know this because of the lewd way they were taking about getting some action and clearly the accommodations in the inner battlement were finer as they described the ones that they wished to bed tonight while they drank.

The princes and I dismounted and entered what I was assuming was there version of the great hall sin this is where the king was, all he brother bowed including Jamie who attempted to pull me down as well and when I resisted he picked me up in his arms and pulled me onto the ground with him and set me on my knees next to him.

He whispered, "I will not have you killed for you own stubbornness."

I sighed, that wasn't my intention but still this man was not my king which just made him another man and after everything with Uther and Arthur to be quite honest I didn't feel the need to bow or prove myself to any King.

"So this is the spoil of war that Jamie has finally chosen." The King said with a hint of humor in his voice and I knew he had seen our little tussle about bowing. In a flash I looked up into his eyes for a minute before Jamie's arms came out and pushed my head and gaze back to the floor. The King laughed I, guessing finding my reactions interesting and called to me, "come here girl."

Jamie let go of me and whispered, "don't anger him and get killed."

I huffed at him as I got up and walked up to the King, "so?" I asked

"So?" The king said with a laugh in his eyes.

"Are you going to let me stay here or kill me? Cuz I'm sick of waiting to know!" I said slurring my words and purposely not speaking proper English.

The King laughed, "you are not going to die, at least not by my hands. The law states that you are Jamie's that means any punishment fit for you goes to him."

My face dropped, "are you going to punish him?"

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