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*Merlin's pov*

I stalked off from Eleanor knowing that she wanted to come with me but knowing that she couldn't. She was needed here and she needed to support her husband. My heart went out to her as I left her in the side of the clearing to watch the barbaric acts that the two men before her would commit. They were no better than Arthur and his extreme love for fighting and violence.

I need to focus.

The faint tingling of magic in the air was like a current pulsing as someone poorly used the magic around them. I followed the pulsing of the crude magic user and new that the novice would be no match for me. This person was a beginner at best, someone who had just scratched the surface of what magic was. I hated that I hadn't met this soul earlier in life, I might then have been able to nurture it. The the thought of an apprentice sent tingles down my spin and I wondered if that would ever be something that was plausible.

But for now I was getting close and it was time to focus.

I knew whoever was on the other side of this hedge, the pulse was strong now in its own faint way. I moved forward and moved the branches out of the way. I was shocked with what I saw. Recovering quickly I asked, "So what do we have here?"

The small girl who had to have been a teen looked scared, "How did you find me?" she asked in a shaky voice.

Her black hair fell into her face and I couldn't help but smile, "I followed the path of your magic."

Her eyes lit up at my words, "So are you..." Her voice trailed off in uncertainty and I could guess it was at the thought of even talking to me.

I smiled, "I'm Merlin and yes I'm a magican and you my dear have a talent but you dont know who your fighting for or what you are doing."

Her face screwed up and she practically yelled, "You know nothing about me."

I smiled, "I know more than you think. And while I don't know exactly what Balor used to control you do know that there are more ways than helping that villan to get whatever it is that you want."

Her eyes shone, "So are you going to free my brother? Are you going to protect us."Her magic swirled around her and she prepared for an attack while she said, "You have no power over Balor and he is the one who controls my fate and that of those who I love, so no you can't help." Her eyes went black as she casted the spell and I waited but felt nothing, so the spell wasnt directed at me.

Cringing I realized the spell was meant for Eleanor. It was a spell to put her to sleep.

*Eleanor's pov*

Merlin vanished into nothing as I watched the two warriors circle each other and I was struck once again with the feeling of being helpless. Powerless in the struggle before, unable to contribute. I hated this feeling, and it was becoming more and more often in which I felt it.

Jamie and Balor circled continuously both waiting for an opening.

The men clashed a little. Lunging at each other each thinking that they see an opening while the other dodged it seemingly easily. I marvalled at the way Jamie moved since I knew he was still recovering. But Balor was not one to be taken lightly. He was showing that he was going to be a touch opponet.

He clashing and ringing of the swords becan to become more and more fequent as the two moved like dancers at on another, the deadly aura from both was nearly suffocating. I watched wrapped in the illusion as if this was happening to someone else or on the tv between men who I didnt know personal as if my fate wasn't hanging in the balance.

There was a swirl of wind that seemed to surround me before everything went blank. The last thing I remember was Balor and Jamie clashing together face to face and pushing with all of their strength as they tried to over come the other. Then my feet gave out and everything went dark, I heard Jamie and Balor call out to me but it was faint and distant. My body hit the ground like a corpse.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now