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Jamie's pov

"What have I done? I am only looking for someone." He says sounding unsure and weary before adding, "I won't leave her alone and afraid."

My heart sank, he pines for her still. I grit my teeth, "come with us and don't struggle, I know of who you are looking for."

My second gives me a weird unsure look as the English man looks at me with hope before it morphs to uncertainty, "how do you know of whom I look for?" He asks.

I hesitate and the English man raises his voice at me and repeats himself. "HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM LOOKING FOR?"

I look at him and answer with an unwavering voice, "because she has told me about you." I wanted to say she was my wife but I decided to wait, I didn't want my men thinking that she had contact with anyone outside the castle, definitely not an English man. They already think she could be a spy and up to no good, not all of my men of course but I do know of at least two that question my wife and her motives more than I would allow them to vocalize but still you can see it in there eyes. If they weren't such good fighters I wouldn't allow them with me but Eleanor actually told me to take them since they are loyal to me and good in a fight. She always just wants me to be safe.

His face read confusion and I knew that he was running through all of the scenarios in his mind so I leaned down and whispered where only he and my second could hear me, "all will be explained but please don't make me force you wizard, I will take you to Eleanor but I can't if you struggle or if you reveal to your men that you can use magic."

Merlin looked at me and nodded solemnly, and I sighed in relent I'm glad he understood and I didn't have to fight him. I didn't think Eleanor would appreciate us fighting and besides since he can use magic I'm not sure if I'd win or not.

Me and my men start to make our way back to the castle, Merlin sits on a horse with his hands lightly tied in front of him so he can manage the reins but there is a lean on his horse that's tied to my seconds horse.

We started the lengthy process back home, and I couldn't wait for us to get home again, I wanted to make sure everything was ok with Eleanor. Her keen scenes might have picked on Merlin being so close and even though I had just been home and had her in my arms. The thought of her talking with him made me want to prolong the trip and keep him from her. But I quickly shook the thought out of my head, we are married and that was my own insecurities talking. She's not the woman I found on the ship detached and missing this English man. She is a queen now and not only that but my queen and the mother of my child who is the most important thing in her life. I hate admitting that but Eirik in her eyes is everything, I come second.

The trip back seemed to have a lot of detours as my men ended up have several complications, everything from horse shoes breaking, to bandits. Nothing major and nothing my men couldn't handle but everything that could slow us down slowed us down.

*Merlin's pov*

This man said he knew Eleanor and he seemed to have been intimate with her for him to know about me just by a glance. It was clear that this man was the King of Vikings and my fear rose when I thought of what position Eleanor was in when she gave him the information about me.

I had no choice but to go along with him, though I used my magic to make small things happen to slow us down so I could think. I needed to think, I needed to form a plan to get Eleanor, even if she is in the dungeon, away from here and to safety.

My only wish was for her to be safe, I had a plan and Arthur had to ruin it. Now I didn't know if she would be ok to go home. I might have to heal her body and mind first, I can't have her crazy in her own time.

My mind whirled as we got closer and closer to the castle.


I sat as the men got off of the horses and started taking their gear off. The King dismounted called the man who lead the horse I was on and gave him some quick low instructions in a voice unable to be heard by any but the man he was talking to. I wish I knew what he said as I sat and waited.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now