Prince Arthur

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Days pass slowly and it seems like a century past even if it was only a week has past, there is so much to learn and fix. From the way I talk to the way I walk, all day is nothing but manors and how one should act in proper company, by that Alden meant the King and Prince.

I'm not sure why but Alden seems sure that Merlin would take me before the king.

Each day consisted of,

breakfast at sunrise,

Lesson till lunch,


Then we tended to the garden, livestock and the grounds of the cottage, cleaning and miscellaneous chores,


And finally story telling of both my world and Alden's.

The last part of the day was by far my favorite time, we would have tea and talk about many things.

Alden is a man of medicine and great knowledge so the sharing of that knowledge always seemed more valuable to me than the edict lessons of the morning. He has dark brown hair, light brown eyes and a faced lined with hard years, I doubt that he is even 35 but he looks older, I guess living in these times comes with a price. If Alden lived in my time he would probably be handsome and I'm seeing but I think her would be a teacher or a doctor, he really does have a kind pure heart.

If only all of my lessons were like the evening talks.

I also great enjoyed the tending to the garden, growing the food to eat and the herbs to tend to wounds.

I was learning a lot and greatly enjoyed the fact that Alden would let me sing songs from my time while I was gardening.

On this day I was singing 'Someday Never Comes' by Creedence Clearwater Revile.

First thing I remember was asking papa, why,
For there were many things I didn't know.
And daddy always smiled and took me by the hand,
Saying, someday you'll understand.

Well, I'm here to tell you now, each and every mother's son,
That you better learn it fast, you better learn it young,
'Cause someday never comes.

Well, time and tears went by and I collected dust.
For there were many things I didn't know.
When daddy went away, he said, try to be a man,
And someday you'll understand.

Well, I'm here to tell you now, each and every mother's son,
That you better learn it fast, you better learn it young,
'Cause someday never comes.

And then one day in April, I wasn't even there,
For there were many things I didn't know.
A son was born to me. Mama held his hand,
Sayin' someday you'll understand.

Well, I'm here to tell you now, each and every mother's son,
That you better learn it fast, you better learn it young,
'Cause someday never comes
Ooo someday never comes.

Think it was September, the year I went away,
For there were many things I didn't know.
And still I see him standing, tryin' to be a man,
I said, someday you'll understand.

Well, I'm here to tell you now, each and every mother's son,
That you better learn it fast, you better learn it young,
'Cause someday never comes
Ooo someday never comes.

When I had finished I began thinking of another song to song when a twig snapped behind me causing me to spin around to find the source of the noise.

That's when I saw a young man, dressed in mail, armor, with a sword at his hilt, a dagger in his hand, and a helmet under his arm in his other hand. My first thought was why did he have the knife out? Was he going to hurt me? I stood up dropping the herbs I had gathered for Alden, wondering how fast I could run, how soon I could get back to the safety of the cottage, and why wouldn't the young man move?

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now