Aurthur The King

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We walked into the Audience chamber and Saw King Aurthur sitting upon his throne looking happy to see us but his eyes couldn't lose the lack luster of any true happiness. Something wrong had happened here and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the King was not happy with his life.

Merlin noticed to and approached the King with a sad smile that showed he knew something was up. "My King it's been to long."

"Yes my friend, you've take far to long to bring the girl back." He answered.

"I'm aware she was a bit further out then I had anticipated." Merlin answered.

"I see, so now you are going to stay here and help me run this kingdom?"

Merlin sighed and looked at his king, "I don't plan on staying this time either sir. In fact I plan on staying for less than a month as I settle a view things then I am taking her and we are leaving, but this time its forever sir."

Aurthur looked angry but just nodded, "we will catch up later and I have much to discuss with you before you leave."

"Yes" Merlin put his arm around me and lead me from the hall way and down to the servant quarters that I hadn't seen in years. A part of me expected to see Alden like he would still be alive after all of this time. My heart weeped for him as I staggered slightly before catching myself so Merlin wouldn't notice my change. This place held so many memories, and in this moment I wasn't thinking about my family, instead I was thinking about who I used to be and who I was back when I lived in this castle. All of the times that I spent in this place and the trouble I got into and how Merlin and Alden used to help me out of it.

We finished walking to our old quarters and other than the dust that made it clear that no one came down here, it was clear that no one had been here in a very long time. I guess once Alden died or left that this place became a place seldom trekked by anyone in the palace.

I looked at Merlin who sallowed clearly he thought this would be different. Cleaner at the very least. I heard Merlin sigh as he stepped into the room and looked over the bottles. He rummaged a bit before a big smile busted on to his face. "everything is OK, they listened to me and didn't touch anything down here so my book and supplies are all exactly where I left them."

"So your the reason why this place is so dirty and they didn't even bother to clean down here?" I said sarcastically

"Yes." he said happily as he begane pulling bottles and boxes off of the shelves as he flipped through the book and organized what he pulled off of the shelves, it was clear that they were ingredients for something.

I went into my old room and sat down on my old bed. For some reason it felt right to be here again. Like this was where I was suppose to be. I know it's weird even to me that this place so far away from my family feels like home but then again it probably only feels like that because I haven't been here in so long and the grieve of recent events makes this place, even covered in dust, comforting.

Deep In The Night

I woke up with a start.

Checking in on Merlin I saw him passed out with ingredient and that book in front of them. I couldn't even fathom how hard he must have been pushing himself these last few days or even the last few years while he looked for me. I wonder how many nights he wished he was back here with me in this bed waiting for me to wake up or Aurthur so the next day could day of work and play could happen.

I looked at the door and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Aurthur there watching Merlin sleep and me once I came into the room. The king was down here in the dusty old room that hasn't had an occupant for years. The thought struck me that Aurthur had probably done this before, on many occasion.

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