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The days before the gauntlet passed slowly, I was cleaned and dressed in something more suitable, since apparently it had been decided by every Viking that the red dress didn't look good on me. and I mulled around the camp site with my two silent and dull body guards who wouldn't talk to me or make any noise what so ever. All they did was silently follow my every move, move me out out harms way if something was happening close by like a fight, and kept my from leaving the camp grounds.

The men of the camp were all burly, bulky, uncivilized men who looked as if they hadn't been around women in at least a year. I couldn't help but wonder if they had been fighting in a war, the way they were dressed suggested that yet the men seemed like they didn't have family either as if this was their life.

After wandering for a day getting less than courteous looks and gestures I decided to spend my time in my tent, the only company I got was the servant who brought me food from time to time. The schedule around here was not set so food came sporadically and each time it was brought by a different slave. The slaves were all skinny women or small men who wore little or nothing and it was clear by the marks all over their bodies that being a slave was not a something that anyone wanted to be. My heart went out to them and I wanted to help but I knew that I was not in any position to help anyone since I couldn't even help myself.

On the fourth day after the gauntlet had been set I was summoned to get dressed in a light violet dress that showed off my chest and it was so short that most of my legs showed, I was bare foot and was given some pretty silver jewelry to wear on my arms, wrists, neck, ears, and in my hair. The slave that came with the clothes helped me dress before holding out a hand to me to guide me to the spot where my fate would be decided. I took the broad woman's hand who looked like she could lift me with ease as well has several of the men.

I followed her to a big clearing that a small amount of men had gathered early around. There was a podium with something that looked like the alter on King Kong that they strapped the woman to as an offering to the giant gorilla and it hit me I was to be strapped up her as a spoil of the fight so I couldn't run away while all of the men focused on the blood bath to come.

It was an hour before anything happened with me hanging there with my arms above my head hurting and tired ass the men gathered giving me looks and making gestured about what they would do to me if I was theirs, before I got a glimpse of the Viking Brothers with Jamie who was geared up in a small amount of armor and carrying a medium length sword and a stern expression on his face. He glanced up at me and his cheeks flamed red as the look in his eyes hardened, and I was surprised to see that he was upset by my predicament. I blushed under his gaze without meaning to the fire and compassion in his eyes made me feel as if he would do anything to protect me. And as fast as the emotion came the guilt of the thought came barreling into my head as I thought of Merlin. I hung my head in shame as tears came barreling down my face, I slipped against the restraints and I felt like nothing in this world mattered anymore. How could it when I eat her had to be forced on to Jamie who for some reason cared about me or on to Lancelot who was ruining his life trying to protect me out of some weird feeling of chivalry.

Lancelot was next to come out to the boos and hateful words of the crowd, he was dressed in the same clothes as Jamie and he carried the same type of sword as he strode with pride like he was confident in his abilities but I noticed the hint of fear in his eyes like he knew what would happen.

The two men got in the ring of Vikings and circled each other for a few minutes sizing each other up seeing who would make the first move. Jamie looked like a cat stalking his prey with precise movements while Lancelot looked stiff and unsure I was so sure of the outcome that I couldn't stop myself from calling out.

"STOP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs causing the Viking close to me to jump from surprise.

Jamie looked confused while Lancelot looked relieved. The Viking Prince in his firs looked pissed and put his hands up as a sign to stop as he walked across the field, since he was across the circle from me, to me pissed.

When he got over to me he grabbed my hair forcing my head back and growled, "what is it now bitch, I was already being lenient. Don't make me give you to all of my men as a whore until they either break you or you decided to kill yourself."

I shuddered but spoke with strength in my voice that I didn't know I had, "don't I get a say on this, can my opinion not be taken into consideration. I don't want Jamie to kill Lancelot." At these last worlds tears rolled down my face.

The Viking Prince laughed, "I see so you know your lover will be killed and you don't wish to see it."

"He's not my lover. Mine was left in Camelot and Lancelot promised to protect me. He is only doing this to keep his word but he shouldn't get himself killed for me." Tears were coming down in earnest now.

The Viking Prince smiled and turned to Lancelot and Jamie, "you see how it is Jamie, she is promised to another but this one isn't it." The leer in his face was menacing as he looked between Jamie who looked shocked and Lancelot who looked upset mixed with relief.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now