White Room

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AN: if any of you wish to make a cover for this book I will set it as the cover, if I get more than one then they will be the cover for each part. Just if you want to that is :D And this is early but two very special readers requested it and I try to meet the demands of my readers if it's possible, tho I am later then they wanted but I tried my best! Enjoy! -Love Strider

*Eleanor's Pov*

I woke up to an empty white room with a small window that held an evening sky with scattered clouds that seemed more like a painting than real life. I watched the sky unable to move for a minute just taken aback by the fact that I was awake. When I finally leaned up I saw that the room, other than the bed I was on held nothing inside, just the iron sturdy door, and the small window.

I felt like a prisoner again, I wondered if this was the Vikings take on death row. I had a vague recollection of Jamie saying that I would die if I didn't sleep with him. I wonder if that's why I'm here. Or did Jamie finish it while I was unconscious so I wouldn't die. I couldn't help but wonder just what was happening to me now. I guess when it rains it pours is the truth.

I sat up, feeling dizzy and disoriented. Inching to the edge of the bed, I attempted to stand but fell back down. I had to get answers, I had to know what was going to happen to me.

Sheer force of will got me to my feet as I headed towards the door. At this point I didn't know what was happening but all I wanted was answers so I could make a decision on what my next move will be. I dragged my body along the wall to the door and leaned my body into the door before I tried to move the door.

Nothing happened.

The door to the room was unmovable, heavy and didn't even make a sound as I tried to shimmy it open a crack with all of my strength. I stood there leaning up against the door huffing trying hard to catch my breath and gain my composure. After the moment to regroup my body I tried the handle, shaking and furiously trying desperately to get out of this room.

My efforts were in vain.

I staggered back to the bed drained and feeling as though I had just fought an army of a thousand, as I fall on top the bed feeling my body go numb. I was so absorbed in the numb feeling of my body and wondering if I would ever be able to move it again, I didn't hear the door open or the steps of someone entering my room.

"Are you ok?" I hear Jamie said.

I turn and look up at Jamie as tear swells in my eyes. Jamie seeing the tears leaned down next to me and smooths my hair back out of my face while saying softly, "Its ok, your not alone anymore I am here for you."

At these words I broke, I had held it together for so long. I had silently struggled through so much and in that instance I broke down, crying nearly hysterical as Jamie covered me his arms and pulled me into him. "I wont leave you alone again my love I promise. Forever by my side until you tell me to leave you."

Jamie pulls me away from him and takes my face in his hands and makes me look at him before he continues, "I promise you my love, my light, if you ever tell me to leave you then I will go but not a second before. I will always be there to protect you and love you."

My eyes watered and before I could think I found myself nodding, and leaning into him. My heart broke in that instance and my tears became mixed with tears for Merlin. but in my heart I had decided that right now, once again, I would start again and attempt to be happy. I could survive and be happy with Jamie and I prayed in that instance that Merlin would find his happiness as well.

I pushed away from Jamie and looked at him, he looked me confused and a little hurt. "Am I going to be killed? I don't want you to die to."

Jamie chuckled, "That's whats going on in your mind sweetie? I thought you were rethinking being with me. And no you are not going to die because I had proof that I had entered you, I never would have guessed that you were a virgin my dear."

My face flamed scarlet, "And? What about it? It's not like I've had tons of offers."

"You just don't know the looks you get my dear, for you are stunning and I guess no one has said so openly because they aren't comfortable with your beauty. But you are a prize any man would fight for, so you are either naive or completely unaware of what you look like." Jamie said with a smirk causing me to bush and hide my face behind my hair which I let fall in front of my face so he couldn't see me. Jamie moved my hair out of the way and lifted my chin up so I was looking at him again. "My dear you are perfect, I wish you could see that for yourself but I will spend every day for the rest of my life proofing it to you."

Jamie sits there for a small moment before scooping me up into his arms saying, "Come on, you dint need to stay in this room all week do you?"

"All week?" I asked stupidly.

"Yes you've been out of it for 4 days, our wedding night was confirmed and you will not be killed. Though wouldn't have let them attempt it without killing me first." Jamie said this with such force behind his voice and a slight attitude that made me realize that he hated the fact that he felt like he had to force me to save my life. I finally understood the reason why he was urgent about being one with me. He was worried about me, not his life but mine.

I leaned into his body as he carried me down the staircase and into a hallway. These arms that carried me made me feel safe and loved. Yet at the same time guilty about the one who was more than likely worried and scared for me. I wondered what Merlin was up to and if he was ok? I hope that Arthur isn't giving him to much trouble.

I don't know whats going to happen next but the arms that surround me will be thereto protect me.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now