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*Eleanor's pov*

-I watched as the castle burned. The flames dance in a distorted view of beauty. The flames danced high in the sky as it all burned. My home for what seemed like forever was on fire. Our hope was that the flames would purify the infection. That it would cleanses the earth of this devastating infection. The masses were against the Kings decision and many though I was his reason for burning the castle . Like I wanted this magnificent castle in ashes. Only a few believe I played no part in he fire at all. However many believed I caused it.-

I woke up with a start and feared for the lives of my countrymen, but mostly for my family and Eirik the overwhelming sadness that came over me.

I needed to find him, my son, I need him to be ok.

I got up and went to his tent but before I could make it I heard the horrible cough. His lungs sounded like they were tar filled. He wheezed at the end of each cough.

Wasn't it enough that we had burned the castle to the ground not four nights previously, the infection was to strong the ones who couldn't even begin to have a hope of saving anything so we burned all along with the castle. Jamie and the head knights, those that weren't sick, hated the decision but we feared for the lives of the healthy and knew that the ones we left behind were beyond hope.

Horror struck as the thoughts raced around my head, I couldn't move. Was all that we had sacrificed in vain. I stood for what seemed like days before Jamie came up beside and put his arms around me.

"Love. He's strong like you he will be ok." Jamie whispered in my ear as his arms came around me. Holding me as if he was holding me together.

"He's dying." I barely whispered still feeling like this was unreal and not happening to me. Like a dream within a dream that couldn't possible be real. Yet here I was playing out my worst nightmare and fearing for my sons life.

Jamie said nothing, he didn't let me go either but he said nothing. He knew, I knew what I was talking about and he knew that when I said this about a patient I was right, always.

I took a breath an entered his tent.

I would not leave while my son was sick. Which meant staying with him until he was either better or until he passed to the next life. The tears fell from my eyes as I pulled a seat next to his bed. His eyes were unseeing, he had fever, and he was twitching when he wasn't coughing. I watched and knew that Eirik, my Eirik, had been sick the last few days and played it off. He was not in the early stages of the disease. I marvel at the strength he must have gotten from his father as I my silent tears fell freely. I knew it wouldn't be long now until he drew his last breath.

My time would be taken far to quickly.

I couldn't help but wonder, would it be slow so I could have more time like those other poor souls that struggled for weeks on end until death finally took them. Or would it be quick, would he not suffer long and the death be quick.

I didn't know which would be a true mercy any more.

I just wanted my son well again.


After two day Jamie brought me food. He pulled at my hands and set the food in my lap pleaded with me to eat. He wanted me to eat and I saw my love, my life but I couldn't not without my heart, Eirik.

I looked at Jamie and tried to explain but my voice was gone from crying so I leaned into his shoulder and sobbed.

His hands came around me, wrapping me warmly in his embrace as he picked me up setting me back in his lap. He slowly fed me. Each piece of small bites of food until the plate was clean.

We sat through the night like that as Jamie stayed with me. He did this every night, and watched as I watched. Unsleeping, the pair of us I was unsure how he kept moving during the day. I knew how I stayed awake, worry was the only thought in my head. In these last few days I was no longer a queen caring for her people but a mother scared for her son.

The death of my son came to soon and slow all at the same time.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now