Shot Gun Wedding

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The week past to quickly as the preparations were made for my wedding and Jamie stayed very close to me with the pretense of me needing his protection for popping off at the mouth in front of the King. I was distracted all week long, my mind unable to focus on the task at hand. That task was running away.

Not that I got very far.

Every step of the way I was stopped by Jamie. Jamie was more than willing to be at every turn, every corner, and always two steps ahead of me as I tried to leave. I had feelings for Merlin. But I couldn't deny that I also had something for Jamie, a fire, something that was uncontrollable between us. I knew he felt it to. That was clear. In every touch, every gaze, I was to conscious of him.

I felt vulnerable when he was away, yet jittery when he was near. My senses were on overload with him.

In short, I was unable to  escape and the wedding was taking place. Tomorrow in fact was my judgment day and Jamie was making damn sure that I would be there for the festivities. Jamie slept in front of my door on the third floor of the castle after checking to make sure there was nothing long enough to shimmy down the window with, nor anyway for me to climb out of the window. I was trapped, a prisoner, and somewhere deep down that I didn't want to listen to, I was happy about that. The guilt ate up at me of course, I felt like I was cheating on Merlin. Even though there was nothing I could do about it, I know because I tried everything I could think of to get away and nothing worked. I laid in the window seat watching the stars at an udder lose at what to do next.




Morning came with Jamie lifting me up with his eyes closed and setting me on the bed as older women came into the room with my wedding dress and accessories for me, they put me in a tub after shooing Jamie out the room and stripping me. Scrubbing me clean, and covering my skin with this weird smelling lotion type thing, that I could have sworn was some kind of milk. My dress, once on, fit like a glove. My measurements must have been taken into consideration. It was pure white, that was cut in a tasteful way across my shoulders, deep plunge in the back showing off the small arch in my back, the waist was tight but it bloomed out in a flowing motion down to the floor. A simple pair of flats and a silver choker necklace,  and small silver earrings completed the outfit. The older women hadn't even touched my hair and I already looked like a princess. The looking glass in the room showed me just how much I had changed since I had last looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked as if I belonged in this time, I didn't look like had time jumped at all.

I fit here.

That's when I realized that I would never go home to my own time again, so I better make the best of it.

*A Few Moments later*

My hair was done up in  a simple yet intricate braid that had many small braids going from my scalp and fed into the main braid. It looked like something I would have done to my hair to go to school, yet detailed enough to  be something they did for the celebrities back in my own time.

I stood up, nervously thanked the older women and followed the guard at the door as I was escorted, more or less like a prisoner, to the main hall way were I passed every member of court, Jamie's brothers, and every important person in this kingdom. The king sat in front of everything with Jamie who looked stunned, waiting patiently for me to get down to him so he could continue with his day. In all honesty, the King looked bored and a little disgusted as if he wanted me to kick up a fuss and wanted to see the antics I would try to get out of the wedding.

The wedding was not what I was expecting. It was quick and honestly pointless. The hours of preparation for the King to tell Jamie he was going to marry me and asked if Jamie had a problem with it. When Jamie said no he turned to me with a smirk and announced us Husband and Wife and told Jamie that he could Kiss his bride if he wished. The smirk the died on the Kings face as Jamie announced that he wouldn't kiss me in front of everyone since he didn't want everyone else jealous with the noises I make when he kisses me. This comment got him a lot of inappropriate jokes and laughs from the crowd and an elbow in his ribs from me.

The rest of the day was a party full of drinks, food, jokes, fights, and of course dancing. The men who just wanted a reason to celebrate and the women who were there to watch over their men to make sure they didn't get into to much trouble.

That night however was a different story...

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now