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Recap: Between her room, the books, the sea, and her own thoughts Eleanor slowly became more and more introverted, unbeknownst to her she was being watched by the Viking Captain who watched this metamorphosis.

Eleanor's pov

The journey to the Viking Prince had taken longer than anyone on the ship could have imagined, two storms, and docking for supplies three times but the Vikings past their schedule and on edge. The tension on the ship was high and oppressing, everyone felt it. Even the new 'crew members' Lancelot, I and the surviving crew of the ship that left Camelot.

I was doing what i always did, she was watching the sea when the Viking Captain walked up behind me and whispered slowly, "we will reach land soon, and then Princess you will see your new fate. I've heard from the crew that you and the knight were banished from your kingdom and were sent away as a punishment."

His idle threats that he had been spewing since the Vikings had first taken over the other ship. Not that if matter to me where I went it was clear that ship heading to Africa had no place for me and I knew what would happen wen we got to the colony. I was going to be a pleasure slave, so what's the difference between being on for the colony or being one for the Viking Prince. There was one difference, with the Vikings it was clear that only the Prince could touch me, the Vikings had always avoided me maki sure they didn't 'spoil' the goods. I hadn't come to grips with leaving Camelot but I had resigned myself to whatever was going to happen I would have to make the best of it that was all there was to it.

I said nothing to the Viking Captain who clearly had been trying to taunt me. I guess he thought by them taking over the ship that my position had worsened or that I was scared. I've already had the worst pain anyone can go through by leaving my heart behind in Camelot, the rest of this life is just background. My only solace is that maybe one day I might get to see Merlin again, that is my only reason to not jump off of this ship and swim until my body can't swim anymore.

The Viking Captain waited for a few moments before leaving me alone again, clearly the fact that I didn't take the bait seemed to upset him, the Captain was the sort of man who enjoyed teasing and seemed to me like he was a bit of a sadist. He was like a child with a new toy when it came to me and it was a daily ritual of his to try and best and break the mask of calmness that I wore. I couldn't help but wonder if he somehow knew that I was hiding behind the mask of calmness. My thoughts drifted again the the opening theme done for 'Firelfly', the sang the words to myself inside my head to help calm me down.

"Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me.

Leave the men where they lay
They'll never see another day
Lost my soul, lost my dream
You can't take the sky from me.

I feel the black reaching out
I hear its song without a doubt
I still hear and I still see
That you can't take the sky from me.

Lost my love, lost my land
Lost the last place I could stand
There's no place I can be
Since I've found Serenity

And you can't take the sky from me."

I sang this song to myself again and again as I watched the sea completely dazed, submerged in my own world, lost to the thoughts in my mind.

I knew the day was fast approaching when we would dock on land, the air felt different and the salt smell wasn't as strong. My doom was coming, this I knew the second I had boarded the ship for Africa but no I was resigned to face whatever happened to me. with my head held high I would face any trial that lay before me, with they dignity and pride of someone who has lived in the 21st century and knew what was to become of this world.

I knew a little of Vikings and was hoping beyond hope that I may be able to use my knowledge of the future to get into a position where I was valuable, only then would I be able to survive this life without becoming a slave. That was my fate of I didn't think of something to give to the Viking Prince, other than my body, and I felt like I just possibly might have that answer to the riddle.

I looked up from the ocean as one of the crew members yelled, "land ahead." in a load authoritative voice. From then on the ship was thrown into chaos as the crew cleaned and ready the ship as well as themselves for docking and inspection from their esteemed Prince.

After 30 minutes I was dragged into my room by rough hands, thrown into water, scrubbed down and dressed by a woman who looked more like a man than anyone I had ever come across. The dress was blood red and extravagant, I admired it as the woman pulled my hair into an awe inspired victorian style hair style. With small curls curling into my face and no make up the woman deemed me ready to see the Prince, I was told to wait since I was going to be a surprise and that I wasn't to leave the room.

Of course I obliged, feeling my nerves set in. Scared of what was coming next. This time my mind wondered to Merlin, and I laughed at how the last time I was in a situation that scared me I though of home in the 21st century, but now I was thinking of the one person I wanted to see above all else, and every n though we are in the same time, the one person I probably will never see again.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now