Dreaming ~ Cale

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He could still feel Japeth's kiss on his lips as he stalked up towards his room. Neverboys and Nevergirls alike gave him wide berth as they saw his annoyed expression.

Good, let them be scared. They're all weak anyways. He snorted as he opened his door. Still empty. Cale felt a twang of disappointment when he saw that Japeth wasn't there.

He knew what the other students whispered about him and his teacher. Forbidden? Please. He was in a fairytale. The only thing forbidden in a fairytale was to mess with the wrong people's feelings. He supposed Monique knew what that felt like. Cale glanced out the window towards the empty Lake. Usually about this time of day, girls and boys alike no matter Good or Evil could swim in there.

"I wanted a swimming pool in the first place." Sophie had snorted when he asked her about it. "Got a bit bored in the summer."

Cale sighed, touching his lips again. He looked at the clock. 7:30 pm. The prince took off his shirt, and flopped onto his bed. Despite being early, sleep overtook him.

He was laying on the grass, gazing at the rippling water of the nearby river. Someone moved beside him and he looked about. A young male—definitely not Japeth—was laying on his back watching the sky.

"Feels like home." The white haired youth murmured, not looking at Cale.

"S'cuse me?" The prince asked, facing him.

He looked at Cale, his piercing blue eyes seeming to look straight through the boy's soul. The boy looked familiar, as if he'd seen him in a fairytale before.

"Strange." He smiled faintly, showing pearly white teeth. "I was expecting someone else here. You'd have to do for now." The young male faced the sky again.

"Who're you?" Cale asked, shifting to sit next to him.

"Me?" He laughed, sitting up. The blue robes he had on swished across the grass. "Only a piece of your imagining, dear." His hand reached for Cale's but before they could touch, Cale was being shook awake.

Cale sat up breathing heavily. Japeth's eyes were wide with fright.

"Oh god, Cale." He shook his head. "You were talking in your sleep. But it wasn't you...I mean, it was you but you responded to yourself with another voice."

"Japeth...I think I know what we have to do to beat Good and get love back on our side." Cale told him his dream.

Japeth reeled back in shock. "YOU WANT TO BRING BACK RAFAL?!" He shook his head wildly. "No. No. Of all the options why him?! I'd rather bring back Evelyn Sader."

Cale watched him with faint amusement. "We don't need to bring him back. He's already back...we just need to get to him first before Good does."

The School For Good and Evil ~ The Storian's Last Tale (Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu