Princes and Knights ~ Kian

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The lion was the first to see Alex's name go dark on the Evers' board. She looked at the sky to see molten gold sparks fly from the direction of the Tulip garden—the last place she had seen Alex. She froze in place, her heart nearly stopping. Alex. Her mind whispered, pain etching through her heart. There was no time to grieve for the lost Everboy.

The lion loped towards the end of the woods where the two doors were, Cale flying silently beside her. The two animals collapsed at the farthest side of the clearing. Monique mogrified back to human and slipped on clothes she and Kian had hid during their search for the Lionsmane flower. The clothes smelled of Alex and she tried to keep herself from crying.

Camouflaged safely in the woods, Kian watched the prince move to comfort his friend but she backed away. Kian knew how much Monique meant to Alex—he would've sacrificed himself again and again to see her safe and happy. Night after night he listened to Alex talking about her, his eyes aglow with love.

Kian wished he could've done the same. That he had the same affect Alex had on Monique when he lived. Now his best friend was dead and his princess was sobbing on his Nemesis's shoulder, both of them unaware of his presence and of their status in his fairytale.

The dark knight moved silently through the shadows, barely making any noise. But Cale's head shot up, his brown eyes staring directly at him. Pressed up against a tree, Kian held his breath.

Monique questioned Cale softly and he responded gently back. Both of them looked at Kian and he had no choice then to reveal himself. The evil prince pushed Monique behind him and lit his fingertip, it pulsing pure white.

Kian raised his hands in surrender. "I come in peace." He said, his voice wavering with emotions.

He locked eyes with Monique, feeling the pain as well. She'd just lost her love. He lost his best friend.

The princess shook her head and backed further. "What do you want?" She spat, her green glow eerily bright against the dark night.

Cale looked at Kian and the two boys knew who each other was now. A growl rumbled deep in Cale's throat.

"No." He burst out, pulling his friend close to him. Monique squeaked in surprise.

"Cale, you know you can't be with her." Kian said softly, his eyes on Monique.

"I can and I will!" Cale shouted, clutching her tighter. "I'm not Evil! I'm not!" He cast pleading eyes at Kian. "Please, don't take her from me."

His Nemesis backed away from Kian, taking his princes along with him.

Kian stood there, waiting. He wasn't going to make his mother's mistakes. That wasn't him. Sophie didn't control him anymore. Monique broke away from Cale's grasp.

He twisted in shock at his friend's actions. His eyes turned sad. "Y-you don't want to be with me? But what about Camelot?!" He tried to protest, make her come back. "We have a future there together!"

Monique shook her head. "I never wanted a throne." She whispered, turning her back on Cale.

He fell to the ground, watching in horror as Kian gently took Monique into his arms.

"NO! DON'T DO THIS TO ME." He sobbed, clutching at the grass. "I PROMISE YOU I'M NOT.."

Monique buried her face into Kian's shoulder and he pulled her closer, staring down at Cale in sadness.

"Evil can't keep promises." Kian told him.

The sunlight exploded into the clearing, and students both Good and Evil stormed through the gates. Some started cheering. But fell silent as they took in the scene before them—eerily similar to their family's tale.

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