A Father's Orders ~ Cale

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As nightfall descended upon Camelot, Cale paced the Great Hall, his boots clacking across the tile. On his throne, Tedros watched his son in faint amusement.

"I just don't get it." Cale threw up his hands in frustration, continuing his pacing. 

"What don't you get?" Tedros asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

The prince faced his father. "Why did you ask Diamonique to go to the School when you know they won't accept her? She doesn't have any historical records of a family."

"None that you know of." Tedros muttered, gazing wearily at the doors.

"What?" Cale asked, confusion mixed with shock on his face.

Tedros sighed, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to say. "It was a long time ago." He forced his voice to stay even. "Before you were born. Agatha and I were out on a walk, just enjoying a peaceful night that was a good way to start off a reign. This was just before I had gotten control of Camelot. When I stormed the throne room and attacked Rhian to take my place as king, he asked to say his final wish. I allowed him, thinking he was going to ask for my forgiveness." Tedros chuckled, shaking his head. "At least that's what I thought. Just before I had attacked Rhian to reclaim my throne, he said something. Something that had shook my very bones."

Cale waited for his father to continue, his dark brown eyes wide; the only inherited trait he got from his mother.

Tedros stood up from his throne. "He told me to keep his diamond safe. I didn't know what he meant till I saw a little girl running around Camelot that looked exactly like Rhian. She had his hazel blue eyes and dark skin. She even had his smile. I asked the townsfolk what her name was and they said it was Diamonique—which meant brilliant. I knew then—that her father didn't mean the stone...he meant that I was to keep his daughter safe."

Cale was frozen in shock, barely breathing at his father's story. But he wasn't the only one shocked at this news. Footsteps as soft as Reaper's padded away from the door as quickly as possible, the intruder still holding her breath.

The School For Good and Evil ~ The Storian's Last Tale (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now