The Snake ~ Moni

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In the few months at the School for Good, Monique had learned one thing: never mention your uncle around the Good teachers. Or your father for instance. She had done both and nearly was given detention.

When Christmas rolled around, Moni was actually excited to go see her best friend at the School for Evil. Christmas was the one night where students could go to and from both schools—it was a request her uncle had made a few years back.

Monique looked over at her roommates, the two that had stayed with her at least. The third had left the room, and demanded a new room.

Deva sighed dreamily. "You'd think he'd notice me tonight?" She rolled over her bed to look at Monique.

The copper haired girl scoffed. "Please, Kian can't even keep his eyes off of Amber for one moment."

The white haired girl frowned and shut her beautiful sky blue eyes. "You had to mention the witch." Deva huffed, her purple finger glow zapping a hole right above Monique's head.

She laughed then turned back to what she was doing: writing a letter to Tedros and Agatha.

Dear Tedros and Agatha..
Schools been amazing so far. Everything's going fine. Agatha, didn't you have someone bully you your first year? If so, how did you deal with it? Tedros, I can't believe that you didn't mention I was coming to the school. Everyone doesn't like me. Except for my roomies that is. Say hi to Reaper for me.
With all my love,
Diamonique Sader
P.S. who knew that Japeth was actually good at teaching?!

Monique finished her letter and glanced out her window at the School for Evil. She could see a flurry of activity through a lot of windows. And when she turned her head towards Cale's window—the one that had a cover on it—she was surprised to see his shadow at the window. As if he was looking back at her. Her heart fluttered at the thought but she squished that. Good can't be in love with evil. She told herself.

A fit of laughter snapped her out of her daze. She glanced at Deva and Sera rolling around on the cyan carpeted floor, giggling like madmen.

"What are you two laughing at?" She glared at the twins.

The raven haired girl looked at the white haired girl and burst out laughing again.

"You were right!" Deva giggled. She wiped at the corners of her eyes. "She does like Cale!"

Sera beamed at her sibling. "I told you! Our roomie has the hots for a evil prince." She snuck a mischievous grin at Monique.

Monique rolled her eyes at the two. "For the last time, I do not have a crush on Cale. Besides, he's evil. I'm good." She pointed out.

"Whatever you say." Deva snickered, sharing a grin at Sera.

Monique rolled her eyes and with a flick of her  green finger glow, she sent the letter into the Woods, hopefully making it to Camelot unscathed.

When dinner time rolled around, Monique, Deva and Sera walked across the Bridge, past the School Master's tower and into the School for Evil. Monique looked at the school for the first time and was awed by its beauty.

"Hey look who's finally here!" A familiar voice shouted, laughter immediately following it.

She turned and was met with a group of Neverboys, Cale leading them. He grinned at her.

"Hey there, Monique." He gave her a cheeky bow. "What took you so long?"

Deva and Sera had left almost instantly much to Monqiue's disappointment.

"You got yourself a fanclub." Monique said, giving the boys a look of distaste.

"You have your Ever Squad, I have my Never Coven." Cale kept that smirk on his face, but his eyes twinkled. His boys catcalled at the name he had given her group of supporters.

"Just wait until the Trial by Tale and we'll see who's stronger." Monique teased him. He whacked her shoulder playfully.

"Anyhoo, I've been wanting to give you a tour of my castle for ages! Cmon!" Cale dragged Monique away, none of them noticing the man who watched Monique with sad eyes.

He turned away, muttering an oath that would cost him his life if he didn't succeed. With a flick of golden light, he disappeared.

The School For Good and Evil ~ The Storian's Last Tale (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now