Forest Groups ~ Monique

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Not realizing what was going on in the School for Evil, Monique happily hummed under her breath, full from a lunch of fried chicken and peas. She skipped to her Forest Group and sighed in content.

"Someone's in a good mood." Iris said from her usual spot on the tree stump where the Group met.

Moni glanced at the Evers in surprise, waiting for a nasty comeback. But none came. They all blinked at her waiting for her response.

"If I get good food then I'm happy." She responded, a smile lighting up her face.

Chuckles came from the group. But only one person spoke up from his spot next to Alex.

"I feel the same way." Kian sent her a smile. The dark knight looked especially sharp today, wearing a deep purple outfit and a fedora that had a golden feather in it—perhaps a gift from his pet phoenix.

"Well look who's finally deciding to be nice to each other!" Imo, their faerie teacher had showed up. The male faerie was sitting on Juniper's head, the Never not even aware of his presence. She jumped, squawking in surprise.

The group laughed again and sent smiles at each other.

"What's today's challenge?" Alex called, the Everboy pushing his long black hair back into his usual ponytail. His brown skin was shiny against the forest sun. Moni caught a couple of Evergirls and Nevergirls alike ogling the archer and she rolled her eyes.

"Today's challenge is..." Imo led them to a section of the woods where no other forest groups had gone yet. "Work together in pairs to find a rare flower. It's called the Snake's Mane. You'll know what it is when you find it."

The moment he said pairs everyone started to grab the person they wanted to work with. Imo cut through their chatter.

"Pairs have already been picked!" He glared at them. The group shut up to listen. "Alex, you'll be with Eva."

The blue haired Nevergirl walked to the Everboy archer. She raised an eyebrow at him skeptically. "You don't look like the nature type of person."

"I know how to handle other stuff though." Alex retorted and the two of them walked off still arguing.

"Iris is with Olive."

Iris squealed in excitement and she hugged her sister. The two started to walk in another direction while speaking softly.

"Felipe is with Lori." The blonde didn't even speak. Lori too.

Two people were left, as if Imo had planned this happening. One of them wished he was with Alex. Another wishing she was in another forest group.

"Monique and Kian. You two are the last pair." Imo didn't look at them.

Kian sighed, before looking at Rhian's daughter. "Not a word about this to Amber." He muttered, going to Monique's side.

Moni grinned. "Why would I do that? She hates me."

Perhaps being her partner wouldn't be so bad after all, Kian thought as he casted a look over his shoulder where Imo watched them go into the forest. After all, it's not like Rhian could rise from the dead and scold his former ex-fling's son to stay away from her...right?

The School For Good and Evil ~ The Storian's Last Tale (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now