Arguements ~ Monique

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Amber and Kian cornered Monique in the Common Room one evening. Fortunately, they were the only ones there because the Evers Snow Ball was a few weeks away and most of the Evergirls had to prepare for that day.

"Did I mention that you two are the worst people?" Monique grumbled, but her eyes were slight with amusement. Next to her, Rhian let out a faint chuckle.

Kian shot her a grin. "Only about two hundred times."

"Only two hundred times?" Amber asked, forgetting why she was here. The instant her eyes weren't focused on her task, her mind was elsewhere.

"So what's so important that you needed to interrupt me and my studies?" Monique turned to face them, quirking an eyebrow.

"Do tell." Rhian huffed, clearly annoyed at the rude interruption.

Kian and Amber shared an amused look.

"Well, do you want the good news or the bad news first?" Amber asked, sitting down on the nearest couch.

"Good news first please." Monique sat back, waiting. She felt an arm go across her shoulders and looked at her father who's face remained neutral. But when he looked at Kian, his eyes burned with a great dislike.

"Well, despite all of Cale's acts going on, the Snow Ball will take place no matter what. After all, it is a test to see who's gonna fail or pass this year." Amber said, her eyes flicking towards Rhian, a coy smile appeared on her face.

Thankfully, Rhian made no move and had little interest towards the Evergirl anyways.

"The bad news, then." the former king of Camelot snapped. Monique winced at his tone and Rhian softened, casting an apologetic look at her.

"Amber had a dream that may be important." Kian's face darkened as he looked at his princess and her father.

"You interrupted us because of a dream?" Rhian snorted.

"Listen—" Amber said wildly, trying to keep their attention towards her. "I dreamt that Cale and Japeth—they were planning to revive the old school master!"

Rhian's eyes widened. "That's impossible. Nobody can bring him back. Sophie destroyed his ring—and they also destroyed the people who could bring him back. August Sader would've given Agatha a warning—" he stopped rambling at the look on Monique's face.

"Let's focus on making it past the Snow Ball." Monique finalized, elbowing Rhian who was about to protest. "Then we can worry about our Evil Never Prince there."

Rhian grumbled, muttering about "annoying princes and useless princesses". He stopped when Kian froze him with a glare.

Despite the arguments between Rhian and Kian, that didn't stop them from agreeing on one thing: Cale can't get his hands on Monique. Or else Evil would win forever.

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