Choose~ Kian

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Halfway through dinner, Amber stopped him from returning his tray. Instead, she had to drag him away from the disposal.

"What happened?!" Amber whispered, tugging Kian aside.

He looked at her confused. "What are you talking about, Amber?"

Kian ignored the looks other students gave them. He was used to that by now.

"Ugh, you know what I'm talking about! Cale and Monique!" Amber placed her hands on her hips, frowning at him.

The dark knight fidgeted. "I didn't want to be like Sophie." He burst out, embarrassment flushing his cheeks.

"What does Sophie have to do with this?" Amber's frown deepened, her eyes darkening at the mention of his mother.

"My grandmother and mother both lived their lives alone. Because of their best friend betraying them. I didn't want Monique to be hurt by Cale doing something that would lead her to her death." Kian looked down, fidgeting waiting for Amber's response.

Amber went quiet, as if thinking. Finally she spoke. "Let's not that happen then." Amber cast a look over his shoulder and she paled.

"What-?" Kian frowned then he turned, his eyes went wide at the sight before him.

Cale swept into the Clearing, his skin pale as chalk. His usually golden hair a dull shade of yellow. His eyes were almost black. But it was still Cale. Next to him though...were two young men that looked almost identical. But the one on his left was smaller and his skin was paler.

Across the Clearing, Monique dropped her book. Kian locked eyes with her for a moment and they both looked at Cale.

"Well this is a surprise." Nina murmured, appearing next to Kian. He jumped, shooting her a glare.

Cale's eyes swept over the silent Clearing. Kian felt goosebumps on his arms and shivered, despite the warmth from the season.

The male on Cale's right cleared his throat but Cale stepped on his foot, making him yelp in pain.

Finally, the prince spoke. "For those of you who wish for peace between Good and Evil...then you may have it. On one condition." He waited, letting the students take in his words. "On the condition you give me your precious princess who had stolen the hearts of not one—but two Everboys. One of which lost his life to protect her."

Monique's face twisted into rage, and she hid her glowing finger. The male who had cleared his throat narrowed his eyes at her and Kian had a sneaking suspicion on who he was.

"For those who seek everlasting war between our two sides...then kindly go ahead and protect your princess. Either way, I'll have her. And there's nothing you can do to stop me. After all...we are in a fairytale." He leered at Kian, his eyes raging.

"May I speak now, Cale?" The tallest of the men spoke, looking down at the prince.

"Go right ahead." Cale brushed his fingers gently along his other friend's cheek and Kian swore he shivered, meeting Cale's eyes with his own.

The stranger crossed the Clearing to Monique and dropped to one knee.

Cale froze and turned to him, his eyes narrowed at what he would say next.

Monique's eyes were wide, her mouth parted in an O.

Kian held his breath, his brain thinking one word repeatedly: No.

"Monique..." he started, looking up at the Evergirl. "It's probably a bad time to say this considering our current situation. But..I am your father. And...I'm fighting for Good."

The School For Good and Evil ~ The Storian's Last Tale (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now