Two Sides ~ Cale

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There is a difference between when someone is grumpy and when someone is annoyed. Diamonique was both at the moment. Even more grumpier than usual because her plan had been foiled by a certain prince named Cale. The only son of Tedros and Agatha had unceremoniously barged into her house like he owned the place and dragged her to the palace.

Now she was currently awaiting her trial, much to Cale's pleasure. The prince snuck looks at her every so often to see if she was still there. Whenever he did that, Moni shot him a glare.

"You wouldn't be here if you didn't try to steal those eggs." Cale drummed his fingers on the redwood table.

Moni huffed. "I wouldn't be here if you ruined my plan." She shot him another glare.

The prince only grinned, unfazed by the treatment she was giving him. It's not her fault. A voice spoke inside of Cale's head. She's an orphan. Anyone would've done that if they were desperate.

Orphan or not, it was still theft. And Diamonique knew that orphans like her could get meals at the castle if they asked. But according to his father, they were too scared. Cale shook his head, causing the blond curls to spill down his face. Irritated, he brushed his hair back behind his ear.

He heard footsteps and stood up, his usual I'm up to No Good smile on his face. His eyes twinkled.

The door slammed open, causing a chandelier to fall and break. Queen Agatha of Camelot stood there, barely noticing what she had done to the chandelier.

But Cale heard her mutter under her breath: "that's one less thing from Sophie I have to deal with." Before she stomped over to the two teenagers.

"Your Maj—" Moni started, but Cale elbowed her. She shot him a glare.

Agatha sighed, "what is it now, Cale?" Her dark brown eyes narrowed in on him.

The prince swallowed nervously, recalling how she defeated not one but two evil school masters. One Old and one Young. "I caught Diamonique stealing again."

Moni's big blue-hazel eyes grew wider, and Cale groaned softly. Why couldn't she stay still? He hated it when she did the puppy dog eyes on him. Especially to get out of things.

"Diamonique." Agatha said harshly, causing Diamonique to look back at her, sadness flooding those blue-hazel eyes. "Is this your third time stealing?"

Cale nodded to confirm his mother's question. "It was." He couldn't help but feel a prickle of glee as terror contorted on Diamonique's face.

Diamonique started blubbering, tears rolling down her face. "P-please..I needed the food. I got no money."

The orphan looked at Cale helplessly but he felt nothing. His eyes gleamed with anticipation for his mother's response. Hopefully she goes to the dungeons. He thought.

Agatha watched the orphan for a moment, before silencing her with a look. Cale was trying to hold back a grin.

"She won't be heading towards the dungeons." She said sharply, turning at her son in anger. "I don't do that to children. Especially when I've been in their place."

He had forgotten his mother's talent. To be able to hear wishes. The prince looked away, something like sheepishness filling the space where triumph had been in his heart.

"Then where will I be going?" Diamonique's voice was small as she looked up at the queen of Camelot.

"To the School for Good and Evil. You got a letter from the Deans, right?" Agatha smiled at her. "The Storian must have something in mind for someone like you."

The School for Good and Evil! It was Cale's lifelong dream to go to the school where his parents met. He'd read their story a thousand times before he got the sequel. He had desperately wanted to go there his entire life. Cale looked calmly at the girl.

"Looks like we'll be classmates." He forced a smile.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Cale." His mother sauntered out of the room, acting much like Merlin.

The School For Good and Evil ~ The Storian's Last Tale (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now