The Snake's Mane ~ Moni

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Tramping through the forest wasn't how Monique planned her afternoon. But unfortunately it was. And even more unfortunate was her luck with pairing.

Kian somehow knew this forest, as if he'd spent a lot of time here. Perhaps he had, Moni snorted, with his girlfriend.

Her partner looked back at her, a mere shadow against the dark blue wood of the Blue Forest.

"You coming or not?" He called, grinning. Moni squeaked as she realized how far behind she was from the knight.

"So what exactly is this Snake's Mane flower?" Moni panted, trying to keep up with his long strides.

"Legend has it that if someone finds the flower that their greatest wish will come true." Kian responded, looking around for any signs of the flower. He'd seen it once, never again. It was a good thing he had photographic memory or else he'd be in the dirt like all the other pairs were at the moment.

Moni pondered. "If it's a legend then it's not real."

"Did someone turn you into a Reader?! Nothings a legend here in the Woods." Kian smirked. He stopped suddenly, Moni bumped into him.

"What—?" Moni started but he shushed her, listening. Moni listened but she didn't hear anything.

"Quiet." An unfamiliar voice hissed in the undergrowth. Muted footsteps.

"Do you see them?" Another voice whispered.

"Only the Dark Knight. God dammit, Jultan. You said they'd be together!" The first voice sighed.

"I didn't know!" A third voice sounded, this one even more muffled.

Moni peered at Kian. But he was still as a statue, his face pale. As if he'd recognized these voices.

"Kian." Moni whispered, poking him. He shook his head, snapping out of his dazed state.

"Let's go." Kian grabbed her hand and ran down the path, louder footsteps pounding behind them.

"AFTER THEM. DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!" A shout spurred Moni to go faster, fast as a lion she sped through the woods, Kian hot on her heels.

They burst into a clearing, Moni looking wildly for a way out. The two students turned to face their pursuers but only one was there. He looked at them in distaste.

"We'll get you next time, Children of the Old." The person disappeared in a flash of blue light.

Kian was collapsed on the ground, his chest heaving. Monique knelt down beside him, breathing heavily.

"Wh-who?" She could barely get out.

Kian shook his head to silence her. "Not here. Not now." Suddenly he broke into a grin.

"What?" She frowned.

"Look—there!" He pointed. She followed his finger and spotted a green flower.

You'll know what it is when you see it. Imo's words echoed back to her.

"Is that—?" Moni asked, standing up and walking over to it. She looked closely at it. It's petals were shaped like a Lion's Mane.

"Pick it." Kian whispered, his eyes on her.

Monique gently picked the flower off the ground, smelling its scent—a hint of mint but with something else. She'd smelled it somewhere but didn't know where.

When she looked up, she saw Kian staring at her in awe. And something else. Fear.

Hesitating before he came, Kian reminded himself why he was here. And the one job he had to do. But he did the opposite of what he was told. The Dark Knight gently took the flower from the princess's hands and tucked it on her ear, his hand slipping gently through her copper hair and onto her face. She leaned into his touch, her heart racing. Their eyes met and they slowly leaned in.

That was when they heard the school bell rang. Kian and Monique jumped and looked away blushing.

As they walked back to their school, Monique told herself something she would've never done in the past. Don't do this. You are a Lion. You do not bow to anyone.

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