Illusions and Dreams ~ Monique

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Two weeks before the Circus of Talents, Monique had to endure classes taught by Sophie and Professor Ariana (the School for Good's Beautification teacher).

She covered yet another yawn as she listened to Sophie's squawking. Finally, Professor Ariana couldn't take it any longer.

"My dear, if you are tired, then by all means. You are able to fall asleep. Beauty isn't worth it if you only get five hours of sleep." Professor Ariana smiled softly at her student.

Monique shot a grin at her fairy godmother and finally relented to the sleep.

When she opened her eyes a moment later, she gaped at the sight. She knew she was in a dream when she saw Alex.

His back was turned towards her but he clearly knew she was there. "It's about time, love." He spoke, turning towards her as she walked up to him.

"Alex...what is this?" Monique looked up at him, not believing in this dreamscape.

"This place?" He gestured around them, at the willow trees gently blowing in the moonlight. A river rippled gently off to the side.

Monique nodded, looking over the Everboy. Her heart hurt, seeing his face when he met her eyes. His chocolate brown eyes were full of adoration and love. A smile curved on his lips.

"I'm going to be blunt." He said and Monique laughed sadly. "This place is—was our future. If I had survived the Trial...we would've been able to live a life like this. Peacefully. Together."

Alex looked away, a hand reaching up to his neck as if remembering the last few moments of his death. He felt a soft hand close over his and he looked down at her.

"I never did get to put flowers in your hair like I said I would." Monique said unexpectedly.

Alex laughed, realizing how much he missed her. He waved his hand and a ton of wildflowers appeared, fluttering around the two and landing softly on the ground. Some had caught in his hair.

He tugged the Evergirl down onto the soft grass. Monique giggled when he pulled her close, awed that she could feel him, despite him being...dead.

She wrapped her arms around Alex and rested her head on his shoulder, listening to his soft breathing. The dark skinned Everboy ran a hand through her hair and allowed her to wake up in her world. But he didn't want to let her go. Not yet. There was still a chance for him to return...all she had to do was say no to his best friends proposal.

Monique woke up with a start in the classroom. Everyone had left, thus being the last class of the day.

Professor Ariana had stayed, ensuring her student woke up. She looked over from her desk and smiled softly.

"Well?" She asked gently, a perfectly done eyebrow raised.

"I saw him." A goofy grin appeared on Monique's face.

"Saw who exactly?" Ariana asked, stacking papers into a neat pile.

"Alex." Monique breathed, the scent of wildflowers still in her nose.

Ariana grinned catlike when her student left her classroom. Her plan was finally in place.

The School For Good and Evil ~ The Storian's Last Tale (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now